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• HapposaiFreek
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• 1990-07-13
• Netherlands
Member Since
• 2005-04-17
• sailing ANIME, smash
Real Name
• Freek
• watched anime
Anime Fan Since
• my friend showed me Ranma
Favorite Anime
• Ranma�
• be like Happosai
• stealing ladies underwair
• stealing ladies underwair
| Happosai kerl
Hey there you anime/mangafans, Happosai here.
I hope you enjoy your stay and please sign my guestbook. I'll try to visit you all as well, but if you dont sign my guestbook i wont know who visited me
Happosai is the name, stealing ladyies underwair is the game
Saturday, May 14, 2005
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Monday, May 9, 2005
My Holiday
It sure was great:
first week:
saturday-sunday: national selection for the EC WC, i screwed up and didn't make it even though i standed a chance :@
being lazy with some friends from sailing at the campsite
the Open Dutch Youth Regatta, another great event.
320 competitors showed up, nice, people from all over the world
time to make up for my mistakes, or only half of them... i got 48th of 320 so it isnt really bad event though i sailed: 30-14-3-12-10-21
it was fun anyway
all tired, played smash the whole day...
a day i was hoping for to come really fast :D going to snowworld!
i can't do shit on ski's or a board so i went to 1 hour of skiing lessons, you could go to the piste for better skiers but i'm not among them...
the lesson was very boring so when we went down again to get snowboard stuff, which i can't do either, you got the choiche to keep skiing, now i wanted to do that rather then getting another lesson, so i went to the place for the better ones, a friend of mine who can ski told me: come along, go to this one, so i listened, i couldnt make turns nor brake so i went down the hill full-speed straight. not so smart eh ;P anyways i fell pratty damned hard but i continued and went to the piste again:D
School-camp YAY
first day:
kano, i got really wet but it was fun, survivalrun, really boring nothing exiting happened
second day:'
windsurfing, something i could do really well, the teacher just loved me... he was really exited. when we stopped surfing he told everyone he would put everything in order so we went, when i came back later he said(still ordning): Hey Freek, back in town, he's dutch as well so it sounded really stupid, anyways it was fun
last day:
go-karting, boring, handbow shooting, boring
saturday, sanada comes over and another guy and we'll play smash
sunday: doing school asignment for tuesday
monday: going to sanada and do a goldenboy-elfenlied marathon :D |
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Monday, April 18, 2005
NO SCHOOL!!! finally, i love this, 1 week vacation and then back to school, but not for lesson's, we're going to snowboard and windsurf GREAT
maybe even the teachers will be nice :D |
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Golden Boy
You watched this great anime?
You sure must, you can't live without it, please comment with your likes of this great anime :D |
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Shinobuden on :D hoping for more from my good friend Sanada Yukishiro :D |