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This is a listing of all our members with active profiles. We are only displaying the top 500 members (based on popularity) here. 50 members are shown per page and are sorted by their popularity. Highlighted members have updated their Otaku Life within the past 48 hours.

Recently Updated Members:

bec2503youthfulsullyUniqueSideEffectDreamless SorrowGrey WolfSakabato SamuraiAsh.Tisdale101XDtwiliwolfInuyashaLady15sexysesshomaruUzumakiHina-chanbellpickleLumus AvatarSydmosKyoBurningDeamonSomeGuyArcticFoxDemonanimelover12344Grif 2.0SNIFFLES of DOOMIshido-Kunkumi101stargazer65cebiouskonohaninja89xxHopelessDesireRimiUzamkiSilentLucidityrosegardengrave14cyruzainsesskomiloverswordsingersnowycloudLystikinenaXPTenshi OokamiKimmehemo girl roxChibiHanyouFUNimationTheDarknessWolf

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Last Updated Member Name Member Since Popularity Rank
N/A therage 05/15/04 351
04/29/04 kougalover 02/24/04 352
N/A shapeshifter 04/30/04 353
05/03/04 goddess21 04/30/04 354
N/A RedEyeDragoon13 05/01/04 355
01/04/05 funnybunnygirl 05/02/04 356
07/30/04 Haruko-Chan 07/06/04 357
02/02/08 yote1234 06/04/04 358
01/07/08 Bishieluver01 01/16/05 359
N/A shesshomarulover 01/09/05 360
N/A Hidden Shadow 05/02/04 361
N/A kaora suu 05/04/04 362
N/A Ed n Tomato 02/24/04 363
N/A Shingu Hayato 11/17/03 364
N/A Epiphany 11/01/03 365
11/24/03 Ashe Ravi Fox 10/09/03 366
N/A Torn 08/01/03 367
10/14/06 GrimmFang 08/01/03 368
01/31/04 NaNiLoA MaNa982 01/31/04 369
N/A deadstar7 10/21/04 370
N/A colorMe disco 10/21/04 371
08/18/04 Azeem 08/01/03 372
01/31/04 Hells Fire 08/04/03 373
N/A PheonixFlame 08/01/03 374
05/01/04 Krazy Jimmy 08/01/03 375
N/A Gunslinger R 08/01/03 376
09/01/03 Buzz LightYear 08/01/03 377
02/29/04 jimhawkingjr 08/01/03 378
11/23/03 Rachel 08/01/03 379
04/05/06 Lacus Clyne 06/04/04 380
N/A Ilvar34 08/01/03 381
08/07/03 Alucard Old 08/01/03 382
09/04/03 Christy 08/01/03 383
N/A piranha poodle 08/01/03 384
09/18/03 morpheus13 08/01/03 385
08/16/04 Vilearchangemon 08/01/03 386
08/01/03 TheWhiteKnight 08/01/03 387
N/A Roger Smith 08/01/03 388
02/05/08 lattrommi 08/01/03 389
10/28/03 Tetsuaiga 08/01/03 390
N/A Krissy 08/01/03 391
07/08/07 Uriko 08/01/03 392
02/03/04 inuyashadude 01/26/04 393
N/A Matsudai Neko 01/16/04 394
08/11/03 monkeyman212 08/01/03 395
N/A lunawolf709 08/01/03 396
08/01/03 Yamata 08/01/03 397
08/02/07 Murderdolls 01/07/07 398
N/A tokyo mewmew 10/09/04 399
N/A SBmon 12/18/04 400

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