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Real Name
I can't achieve anything, I have no life and I am lazy! XD
Anime Fan Since
Birth, obviously... ^^
Favorite Anime
Currently D.N.Angel is my favorite anime, and Yakitate!! Japan is my favorite manga.
I wanna be a mangaka when I grow up! If not, then to live a lazy life--> I envy Yoh Asakura! >=T
Reading MANGA and watching ANIME. I like listening to MUSIC and playing online RPGs. Text RP is good too.
Oooooooooh I'm good with Day Dreaming... And being lazy.
Name: Himiko Takahashi
Age: 15
Birthday: 1991/01/10
Gender: Female
Grade: 10
Ethnic: Chinese
States: Single,
Interests: Anime & Manga
Hmmmm... Okay... My name is Himiko! I really hate my real name, and I'm not telling anyone what it is. So you can refer to me by my nickname or username (Revelie, Himiko, PF...etc), which ever you prefer. My birthday is January 10th and I am currently age 14. I am in my 1st year in High School, and I really miss being in that stupid 1914 junior high school (don't ask, that school is poor!)... I speak Cantonese but I¡¯m not very good at it. I¡¯m really interested in Anime and Manga (Japanese graphic novel... If you didn't no that, you have a life.) I like to draw manga and write manga and play badminton or table tennis. My favorite food is Fruit cake 'cause its yummy... (omg, that sounds like Miaka...O_o) and my favorite drink is Tropicana orange juice and Pearl Tea (who calls it that now a days? We all call it BUBBLE TEA!)My favorite Anime/ Manga is D. N. Angel, my favorite character is Daisuke Niwa. And my favorite song is Starry Heaven by Day After Tomorrow (from Tales of Symphonia). Anything else you can ask! Sign my guestbookie too.

Saturday, March 11, 2006
YAY finally updated! Haven't in a long time but that's okay... it's not like people read my stuff anyways... I found an interesting manga I want! I can't find it ANYWHERE though. It's called Lagoon Engine Einsatz by Yukiru Sugisaki (favorite mangaka) Lagoon Engine Einsatz is my current MO theme. I¡¯ve already bought the first 3 of Lagoon Engine (it's not the same series as Einsatz though) Yen and Jin are sooo kawaii! My big brother refuses to read it because the main characters are little kids >_> OMG I think I'm loosing my drawing skills (if I had any) I can't draw anymore >.< had to pay my friend 2 dollars for her to color if for me... I... need... encouragement. *Artist¡¯s block*
Page Information
Featuring: Lagoon Engine Einsatz
Last updated: 03/11/06
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Thursday, January 5, 2006
13X, Please visit us!!
I. Got. D.N.Angel. Volume. 10! =D I feel like ending my update right now but I don't think that will happen -_-... Hmm Christmas was fun and the winter break is boring, still better than school though. My current obsession is FMA, Shaman King, Pocky and Maple Story, I dunnooo why~ still want to try playing Ragnarok Online and working on my website 13X- if you have time, please visit and sign the guest bookie ^_^ I did a few drawing for the RP as well, Post them up later, I'm lazzyyy.(Green tea ice cream tastes good... *random*) view Angie's and Kimi's page for some pictures...
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