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In my own little world of food^_^
Member Since
Real Name
Me to know and you to find out...... But in the mean time you can call me ' Lady Kai'.
Getting A in my GCSE art! and now being able to go to college
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Elfen lied, Fullmetal alchemist, Inuyasha, Rave master, FF, sailor moon, Card captures, Princess mononoke, Spirited away um... this could go on for ever!!! O... did i say beyblade O_O
To be a illustrater and
Drawing, reading lots and lots of manga and anime magazines, Watchin TV, being a freak (that should be a talent¬_¬) listening to matal/gothic music, basicaly anything that doesnt involve chavs...
drawing, drawing...DrAwInG and drawing.... Wow, i have alot of talents^_^'
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, December 5, 2005
Ok... this is my fav band, its a video that goes on for about 30 secs.. so take a look and hope u like!! put the URL in and a video should come up...
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Saturday, December 3, 2005
Hey people!!!
this is to most of u rockers out there!
Here, with me, is the most wanted man by me!
Matt! from Bullet for my valentine! he rocks!!!!

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Friday, December 2, 2005

Its Johnny! i drew this wen i got really bored and so on...! i also drew Lacuna coil and Ville Valo but i dont no if u no who they r??
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
MYSPACE! pics of me!!!
Im so tired=_=
and im stuck in school
doing non other then IT...
But anyways... Hey guys!!!
How are u??
Guess wat?? i have myspace and if u want to no wat i look like then all u have to do is use this URL!
If u have myspace, add me and i'll speak to u throu that as well
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
Meet Ville!
Today has been shit! I have to go to my sister 18th bday and serve people-_-' And i'll tell you wat...NO ONE CARES!!! except Ville, but then again, i doubt he even gives a f*ck...
*A voice was heard in the background screaming: I do too!*
Me: Yeah...right! I better tell you who Ville is... His my imagenery character, and he looks a little like Tala from BB, minus the uniform and put a realy sarcastic attitude in, there you have Ville!
Ville:*walks in, cleaning his knife* You forgot to say i have black hair and dont do wannabie preps or punks...
Me: ok... In other words... His a sorta goth!
Ville:*Just realized wat i said* ...Imagenery... Where the F*ck did you get that from? Im your personal guidence! You came seeking for help and i devoted my life to and for you, so...Take that sister!!!
Me:*stares at him bluntly* Um... excuse me but wernt you the one that was being harased by teenage girls...? and wernt you the one that said 'I'll do anything you want for the rest of my shitty life'!?!
Ville:*Stares in to mid air*...oh yer...
Me:*nods head* Right...
Ville: However...! You could of just left me!
Me: yer... But then you would of hunted me down and probably tried to kill me!
Ville:*in a proud voice* Yep, becos i know were you live!
Ville: That was becos i said i'll do wat ever you want!
Me: but that didnt mean you could follow me home! Ahhhh...
Ville:How the hell do u expect me to do stuff for you, if you dont know were i am? *Raises an eyebrow*
Me:-_-' I realy give up with you!
Ville: Now... Excuse me while i go out! *walks off out the door*
Me:... well... i'll be expecting the police to call me in about 15 minutes! Better go, and tell me if you have a 'Imagenery' character too! lol
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Saturday, August 27, 2005

I dont know why but.... for some reason im in a Tala mood!
So im gonna do more art work on Tala instead of other people!
If you want a Tala picture then just ask and i will do u one!
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Friday, July 15, 2005
Howdy peeps^^ I came up with this kai emotion thingy. not the best but i might make a story if i get some comments on it! say wat you think about it and PLEASE be honest! Thanks
Kai’s POV
… Did you see it…? No… Look again…there…! It’s me, no one else! Just me…!
All my life has been, is and will be a circle of emotion. I don’t like to show how I feel! There is no need to! But it doesn’t mean I don’t feel at all… People hear my name, and floods of cheering and clapping pours in to my ears… if only fantasy could become reality!
Just like most average teen’s, I have a mother and a father that should take care of me wene I’m sick and help me with my problems in life…No… wene I come home from a hard day, I come home to an empty house only to be greeted by a servant. They’re always to busy with business!
I’ve just turned 16… and just like every birthday… I have an envelop with the words Kai on the front, on the inside is a letter with money saying ‘ Happy birthday darling…love mum and dad p.s sorry we are away on a business trip…
That’s not good enough, it’s not the same as being handed the it instead!
Wene I was younger, I would go to bed only to wait the whole night just to be tucked in and read a nighttime story… It never happened…! My whole life so far is just a complete waste of space… if no one cares for you, whats the point!
I’m alone in this world… I have no parents… no friends!
I’ve shared my tears so many times… that’s I cant any more!
I’ve dreamt for so long… that I can’t dream any more!
I’ve sustained my emotions… that that’s how I’m keeping it…for I cant feel …any..more…
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
Kai kai kai!!!!
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Hello peeps!
I hope you all are gettin nice weather were you r! Cos i am!!!
For tho's who live in south england, or most of england, know wat im on about!
Today was quite a horrible day!!!
I was given a huge project to do on art, so..... i thout i would use black ink on it becos im the only person who know, in my class, wat to do with it -.-' (they need to get out more)
Anyway..... as i went to grab it someone before me had slimmy or soapy hands, i went to grab it and it slipped out of my hand and all over my art work!!!
I was like 0_0' *holy crap*
My art teacher was not angry at me dropping it but she was spasticated at me dropping it on my work!!! wow for me.... i loved being yelled at-_- *much*
But.... nothin new has happend except the weather changing!!! I got a nice burn on my back so i can really move much with out it hurting, alot!
Thats it for now... till i find another thing to talk about!
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Friday, June 10, 2005
I piccy that i really liked!

My homework was to chose a picture from the net and draw it!
So i found this one and drew it.... But its not finished!
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