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myOtaku.com: 0rbs

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Hello. Welcome to my little spot on Otaku, I'm happy to finally be a member. I've been wanting to join for awhile, but have never had the time to create a username. You will come to find that I have a split personality. I can be very depressed somedays and other days I'll be just down-right silly. I have a sence on humor but still think life is pointless sometimes. I'm messed up.

Music : Homunculus ~ FullMetal Alchemist

Tuesday, January 3, 2006


It's been a while since I've been on...I need to upload some of my drawings...who am I a talking to? No one knows me and no one cares who I am!

I'll upload some drawings as soon as I get home.

-is on school computer-

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Saturday, November 19, 2005

-.- zzzzzzz
*snot bubble*



Huh!? Oh, hi. Tis Kaze, your friendly neighborhood anime fan...and Yoai junkie xD

I'm really tried. I'll write some more tommorrow.

Night-night xD

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