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myOtaku.com: 1FireFierce

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Latest Favorite Anime: .hack//SIGN

Latest Favorite Manga: XXXholic

Latest Favorite Music: I was introduced to the most wonderful song in the world! It's Memories by what I think is Within Temptation... It's cool!

(Original Music Video)

Memories Lyrics
(Neato Lyric thing was stolen from Unforg1ven S1ns... Well, I got the song from her, too... But still...)

Favorite Band: Evanessance!

Favorite Hobby: Ugh... Umm... Being Stupid! Lol... And drawing my ugly pictures... Ugh, I suck!!!

I found out today that miricles do happen!!! I got ungrounded!!! My mom's all like, "It's a new semester, so I think we can start over, don't you think?" So I can get onto the computer and stuff as long as I get my planner signed! I'm gonna see people every day now! Yipee!!!

The other things going on now... Umm... Well, I got jelous of my friend and I don't know why... I mean, she's going out with this guy, this random guy I don't even know (Well, sorta, but still), and I'm happy for her and all, but... I just got jelous... I think I'm jelous of their great relationship... I envy how people can be like that and I'm the only one... God, I'm being too dramatic! Well, happy time again!

I gots a DVD Player for Christmas!!! It's sweetness!!! I watched .hack//SIGN (I got .hack from the library...) and it's soo cool!!! My god, I'm gonna die if I don't find the next disk!!! I'm at episode 11... Yeah... Bad place to leave off!!! I'm playing the game too... But yeah...

Okay, leaving now!!! Oh, and if you come across a cool anime or anything, like a book to read or a song to listen to, tell me!!! I will for sure check it out!!! Well, see ya!


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