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with puff the magic dragin
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hitman with my partner the dork (lindsay)
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i can write my name
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i dont know
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Inu-Yasha the hottest coolest dog like thingy ever
not die
sleep swim talk act like complete dork hang with lindsay would think like this chick huh
can i get back to you on that
| 2bored2think
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/26/06:
Result Posted on 08/25/06:
what kind of person are you crazy,evil,a werdio,or a good person
Result Posted on 08/25/06:
this is really pretty READ
Why Cant U See Me?
 Why do i choke everytime youre around?You make me feel like im going to fall to the ground.Youre myserious yet funnyBut i dont know if you love me.I cant stop thinking about youWat youre doing today,i havent got a clue.We dont talk exept at schoolWhen a look into your eyes its like a golden chocolate pool.Everything about u is perfectI cant seem to measure to upDo you see me struggling here?Im telling my logic to shut up.When i look at youyou look like my hero.But when i look at the chances of us,im looking at a zero.i kno you wont love mei kno u never willbut i love youill let my heart spill.Another broken heartanother dark nightbut ill always be waitingfor u to be my light. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/22/06:
i'm a mermaid..wait a minute i cant swim ahhhhhhhh
What type of mythical being are you? [Anime pics]
 MERMAIDCreative. Artistic. Imaginative.You're a daydreamer first and foremost. You spend you time imagining things and playing in your own little world. And when you're not, you're always liable to be found inventing something or doing something creative.All you see around you is beauty; very rarely do you notice anything malign. Basically you live quite a sheltered life.Yet, you are definitely curious about what lies outside your own world, even if it is reputed to be bad. Your sense of wonderment makes you a great artist. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/22/06:
its very true i do lack manners
do you know manners?.or not?!!{{girls only}}
Result Posted on 08/17/06:
What tourtuedmystic soul are you?(anime pics!!)
 Fallen Angel- you are caught between good and evil, joy and sorrow. You have drastic ups and downs, you are mostly very sad and can't help it. You hide your true self from others fearing what they may think. Your not a bad person but your not good either. You just caught between something, possibly anything but it's causing you great pain. As a fallen angel you are sorrowful and confused. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/15/06:
What kind of an angel are you?(GREAT PICS!!)
Result Posted on 08/15/06:
What grasps your heart? (anime pics, very lovely pics!!!)
 Hope- hope grasps your soul, cradling it in its soft embrace. Youre a happy person, not all the time but its in your nature. Youre an optimist, always trying to see the good in bad situations. What keeps you going is the thought of things, i.e. hope. You may think about going home and relaxing to get through the day, or something along those lines. Your also a relatively nice person too, but no one is perfectly nice 0 of the time. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/15/06:
it was really pretty so i got yes i know this is for quizzes but get over it
Remember This
 Remember ThisIf tomorrow starts without me,And I'm not there to see;If the sun should rise and find your eyesAll filled with tears for me;I wish so much you wouldn't cryThe way you did today,While thinking of the many things,We didn't get to say.I know how much you love me,As much as I love you,And each time you think of me,I know you'll miss me too;But when tomorrow starts without me,Please try to understand,That an angel came and called my name,And took me by the hand,And said my place was ready,In heaven far above,And that I'd have to leave behindAll those I dearly love.But as I turned to walk away,A tear fell from my eye,For all my life, I'd always thought,I didn't want to die.I had so much to live for,So much yet to do,It seemed almost impossible,That I was leaving you.I thought of all the yesterdays,The good ones and the bad,I thought of all the love we shared,And all the fun we had.If I could relive yesterday,Just even for a while,I'd say good-bye and kiss youAnd maybe see you smile.But then I fully realized,That this could never be,For emptiness and memories,Would take the place of me.And when I thought of worldly things,I might miss come tomorrow,I thought of you and when I did,My heart was filled with sorrow.But when I walked through heaven's gates,I felt so much at home.When GOD looked down and smiled at me,From His great golden throne,He said "This is eternity,And all I've promised you."Today for life on earth is past,But here it starts anew.I promise no tomorrow,But today will always last,And since each day's the same wayThere is no longing for the past.But you have been so faithful,So trusting and so true.Though there were times you did some things,You knew you shouldn't do.But you have been forgiven,And now at last you are free.So won't you take my hand.And share my life with me?So when tomorrow starts without me,Don't think we are far apart,For every time you think of me,I'm right here, in your heart. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/13/06:
i'm bell but thats cool like her one of my favorite disney princesses the other jasmine
Which Disney Princess are you? (Girls only!)
 You are Belle! A smart and shy princess, you know when to speak your mind. You're not too ready for any relationship, in fact, you'd rather spend your time by yourself, reading or just reminiscing memories. Take this quiz!
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