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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
i saw dawn of the dead again an that lil baby zombie is fuckin wicked! 'magine yor kid came out lookin like this? XD

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
answer them
1) are kids who act in rated 'R' movies allowed to see 'em?
2) wen French people swear do they say pardon my english?
3) "cute as a button" ss that suppose ta be a compliment? since wen are buttons cute?
4)why did Yankee Doodle name the feather in his hat macaroni?
5)who wos the 1st person ta look at a cow and say, "i think ill squeeze these dangly things here and drink wot comes out"?
6)who wos the 1st person ta say, "see that chicken over there ... i'm gonna eat the f1sr thing that comes out if its arse"?
7)isn't Disney World jus' a people trap operated by a mouse?
8)why is it illegal ta park in a handicapped parking space but its ok ta use a handicapped toilet?
9)why is it that if something says, "do not eat" on the packaging it becomes extra tempting ta eat?
10) don’t ya find it weird we teach our kids: scrub a dub dub, three men in a tub?
11) why woud superman want ta leap over the tallest building in a single bound if he can fly?
12) why is the name of the phobia for the fear of long words Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?
13) if wen people freak out they are said ta be "havin a cow", wen cows freak out are they said ta be "havin a person?"
i feel sorry for people who dont drink or do drugs. cause sumday theyre goin ta be in a hospital bed, dyin, an they wont kno why.
heres sum advice
wen life gives ya lemons, make orange juice an leave the world wonderin how the hell you did it.
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
heres a joke thing for yall
so... the elephant says to the camel "why do ya 'ave 2 boobs on yor back?" the camel replies "thats a pretty stupid question comin from sumone who has a dick on his face"
dont fuckin take it cos i made it up!!!
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
you kno wot? woud be better if those kids woud jus' give that damn rabbit his Trix! X( i feel sorry for that stupid rabbit...all he wants are his damn cereals!......if i wos the move on to coco puffs, an if that damn bird has a problem with it..well...he can jus' kiss my arse!
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
look..noodles everywhere!!!
shes gonna rule us all!! XD

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Thursday, March 22, 2007
happy birthday damon :D
its damons birthday today :D hes 39 XD hes fuckin old
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Friday, March 16, 2007
ello :D were still in flordia..its fuckin hot tho X( we almost died wen we were in magic kingdom :D im usin noodles laptop since mine broke.....again :( so i wont be on alot like befor until its anyways...magic kingdom is the bomb
Noodle: I told you!!
2D: big thunder montain railroad sucked arse X( i fuckin hated it
Noodle: Maybe because it was a childrens ride. sucked....well, were stayin in that castle in magic kingdom..murdoc hates it cos its all...princessy inside..oo well :D
Noodle: I love it!
2D: no one cares noodle
Noodle: >:(
2D:i think im gonna leave at epoct so you can go work in japan :D
Noodle: >:(
2D: XD im kiddin noodle
Noodle:... I still can't believe you rode Tower of Terror SIXTEEN TIMES!
2D:i fuckin luv that ride! :D i luv it more than anythin in the world!!!!
Noodle: I like it too but you like it a little too much. least i didint cry! >:P
Noodle: We were coming down at SIXTY MILES AN HOUR! And the drop was unexpected!
2D:...aerosmith! :D
Noodle:... Oh my goodness I loved that ride so much!
2D: fuck me to! i luv that jaded song!
Noodle: That is one of my many favorites as well!
2D:.... :D wooh!!
its a world of laughter, a world or tears
its a world of hope an a world of fears
theres so much that we share
that its time were aware
its a small world after all
its a small world after all
its a small world after all
ita a small world after all
its a small, small world
there is juss one moon an one golden sun
an a smile means friendship to everyone
though the mountains divide
an the oceans are wide
its a small world after all :D
Noodle:... You already memorized that?
2D:...yea XD
Noodle: Me too!
2D: wicked :D
2D :D
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
sorry noodle, i had ta do it XD
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we let go of the cat :D......but i kinda miss it, it always followed me an kept me company :( its still outside but i bet a dog or sumthin will kill it..ill keep feedin it an stuff if it stays but it smelled like shit X( thats why we put it out. noodles all sad an stuff but she has a monkey an a rabbit an murdocs bird ta play with...anyway tomorro were finally gettin out of england an goin to america :D ill try ta be on as much as i can but i dunno :S
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Monday, March 12, 2007
yay! :D
um were gonna go ta disney world :D on wednesday mornin :D were goin to orlando flordia! i prolly wont be on..but im gonna take my laptop so ill try ta talk to you guys wen were over there :D..anyway i dont no wot else ta put so heres mine an noodles conersation 'bout goin an all that good stuff :P...noodle knos to much 'bout this place X( shes prolly been there lie noodle!
2D: ello noodle luv :)
Noodle: Hallo 2D.
2D: sooo you still wanna go ta DISNEY WORLD? :D
Noodle: Of course!... but at what location?
2D:...location? wtf :S
Noodle: You know, like California, Orlando, Tokyo, Paris? choose :S
Noodle: Hmm... How about Orlando?
2D:....yea :D thats disney land right?
Noodle: No, that's Walt Disney World.'ow many parks are there?is there juss one like disney land?
Noodle: Well, four major ones, Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, MGM Studios and Epcot, plus their water parks Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach... and also the Disney's Wide World of Sports.
2D:oo i see....
Noodle: I definetly want to ride Aerosmith's Rock 'n' Rollercoaster! And also The Twilight Zone's Tower of Terror!
2D:...i wanna ride tower of terror!!!!! :D but wot is it anyway?is it like that haunted mansion one?
Noodle: No, the ride consisits of going through the Twilight Zone.
2D:go on :D
Noodle: The hotel staff, well the disney staff, seats you in a elavator like seating that gives you a tour of this chiling haunted hotel. Soon, it will surprisingly stop in a little dark space. You don't have a clue of what is going to happen next. While you are sitting quietly, you will hear the hinges to the elavator suddenly unhinge and you will plunge at 60 m.p.h. in 2.8 seconds!
2D:...sum ones done research XD
Noodle: You know me!
2D: or 'ave you been there already??
Noodle: No, I haven't. where is this ride at anyways eh? :S
Noodle: At MGM Studios.
2D:were goin there first!
Noodle: Well, um, I wanted to go to Magic Kingdom first.
2D:...thats the biggest park righ'?
Noodle: No, Animal Kingdom is... but it is the most famous and funnest one.
2D:so then wots epcot?
Noodle: It is a theme park like the others, except it has many many countrys inside it as well. :S
Noodle: I know, it is a little strange and impossible but it doesn't have the whole part of it... just a small amount. I don't know how to explain it so you will just have to wait and see.
2D:..oo ok :D sounds borin, any wicked rides?
Noodle: Soarin', Mission: Space, Fast Track and a tour of the universe.
2D: X( wots rockin roller coaster?
Noodle: It is a thrill ride about Aerosmith.
2D: wicked band! so its 'bout 'em?
Noodle: The seatings are shaped as limos. The whole point of this ride is to get to their gig on time. This is a very high speed thrill ride reaching speeds of up to 65 m.p.h.! It also has many twists, loops and turns.
2D: im ridin that one to for sure:) im also ridin the...mountain one..with the yeti!
Noodle: Oh, you mean Expedition Everest?
2D: yea :) thats in animal place righ'?
Noodle: Yes, you do know there is a 60 foot drop right?
2D: yea :D thats why i wanna ride it
Noodle: Okay! So,when do we plan on leaving? mornin?
Noodle: That's fine with me! I can't wait!
2D:me either! :D
Noodle: I'm so excited!
2D:im gettin pictures with mickey! an the duck an goofy an the other girl mouse an the girl duck an all those peoples :D
Noodle: Me too!
2D: no! >:(
Noodle: You can't tell what I can and cannot do!
2D: it wos my idea first!!
Noodle: It doesn't matter!
2D: im juss kiddin noods..dont freak out
Noodle: Fine, 2D.
2D: XD
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