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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
i need ta kno!!
why are japanese people so smart?? noodles fuckin smart an she hasint been ta skool in like.....6 years!! an wots the difference between chinese an japanese people???
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Monday, January 22, 2007
um part four of feel good inc.......damn this bloody thing is to long!....i told 'em we wrote to much but they juss kept goin an goin an goin!!
Murdoc: I thought the video was great. Apart from the fact that a couple of coppers followed me down to the set. Bastards pulled me over just before I arrived and nicked me for having half a gram of pink whizz in my pocket. Parlophone managed to bail me out because we had the video to shoot, and luckily enough I had already strapped the other half gram to the underside of my yozzer. Then we were just about to shoot the close-up on the bass and the bloody bag split. I'm paralysed from the waist down! So, 'Sod's 'Law', i'm in the middle of a sea of beautiful ladies, on the big shoot for the next Gorillaz video and I can't move a muscle. So next, what happened was...er...sorry...What was the question?
Russel: The video, which was the most technically complex to date and took twelve weeks to make, used a fusion of drawn and computer animation,painted background and treated live action. All the animation was done in0house at Passion Pictures where co-director Pete Candeland directed a team of 35 animatoers,including Noodle,Murdoc,2D and myself,designers and compositors.
Murdoc: Anything else?
Noodle: For the live action performance from De La Soul, a camera on a body rig was attacted to the performers to achieve some of the distorted perspectives of their faces. This footage was treated at Rushes to create the lens flare in some of the shoots. All these elements were composited at Passion Pictures using After Effects.
Murdoc: Hmmm...Yeah.Great. Actually, it's probably best if we cut out all that geek rubbish and go straight to the good bits. So where were we? Oh, yeah! DE LA SOUL!!! '60 FT HIGH AND RISING'!!! It was great that they could appear in the video, laughing their big faces off! I thought the screens look wicked. I like the way De La Soul look like something off 'Poltergeist' or the Japanese film 'The Ring'. Real ghostly, man!!
Russel: De La Soul came over from the States to film their bit, but I get the feeling that they had been inhailing nitrous oxide on the plane over. They wouldn't take us seriously at all, man! They just kept giggling their heads off, goofing around and picking on 2D. But again. what they gave us came out really well.
2D: As in the song...i am seen ta be repeatint the mantra, 'feel good'. i think this works almost like im convincin myself that everythins ok....or maybe that im,like..brainwashin myself to believe it......the truth is to horrible to face.
Murdoc: 2D's such a lightweight. Before we shot this video, i'd been up for five..maybe six days. I'd been in Paris with some mates.I was on a roll-looking good, feeling sexy. Playing bass like a demon. 2D went out for 20 minutes the night before and just look at him!! Killer comedown!! He looks like......a trapped boy...Well,actually, I guess that's what he is in this video. I don't know, maybe he's just a great actor....DOUBT IT, THOUGH!!
Noodle: There are so many elements in this that I am very proud of. The way the island descends through the clouds is so graceful. It's quite moving. The way the wind blows the grass, and you can see each blade moving, is wonderful too!
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Sunday, January 21, 2007
'eres part...umm...3 of wot the video of feel good inc is 'bout
Murdoc: I thought the set of the Tower was far-out. There were like,loads of fantastic looking chicks just lying around. I tell you what, when I grow up i'm gonna get a place just like that!
Russel: The money spent on this video is more that most bands generate in their entire career, but we were trying to make something that really made sense. Not just more shelf filler.
Murdoc: What's with the 'duck head' symbol in EVERY video?!It's in this one,inside your megaphone 2D,when you're singing.
2D: Dunno...damn,its juss a sticker that i like. anyways, we see that this party is still continuin 'round us, 'round me. Noodle is outside of the tower, in the pale mornin after light, sittin on the edge of her floatin island. an you can see she knos wots occurin, the results of this gluttony. but people 'ave ta wake up to it themselves. so thats wot the videos 'bout...bein trapped by the things you make, an realisin everyone else is caught up in it. usin it. juss........they need their party to continue, to keep this thing afloat. The Tower of Babel.
Murdoc: Like a BIG TWATFEST!
Noodle: The helicopters are flying around the tower to make sure no one escapes, monitoring the behaviour inside. It is important to them to maintain the status quo, so that they keep people where they want them, under control. The role I play in this is of the escape. It is difficult to tell whether I am the dream of freedom or whether I am the one who has awoken. 2D is definintely still stuck in the nightmare.
2D: Actually........................i 'ave absolutely no idea wot this video is 'bout
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
um 'eres the other part of 'feel good'
Noodle: Sometimes,in order to express a feeling or an idea directly,it requires the nature of that expression to be made indirectly,or through a certain symbolism. This is true of most myths,fables and other cautionary tales, as it requires the viewer to make a leap of understanding in order to fully interpret the messege. When the meaning does come to them it resonates more powerfully. It was for this reason that I looked to the work of Hayao Miyazaki,one of Japan's most fantastic animators,for inspiration. It was with specific reference to the imagery he used in his film 'Castle in the Sky' that I spoke to Jaime Hewlett when we began the process of providing a visual accompaniment to the music of the 'Feel Good Inc.' song.
Russel: The main idea behind the video was quite simple. It was a statement to show that Gorillaz had become locked in world of hedonism. We each react differently to it,but it is only Noodle through her authentic innocence that had freed herself from this cycle of decadence. I don't think she was ever really part if it anyway, but through her involvement in the band I think she experiences it by default.
2D: i think Gorillaz built a tower 'round themselves that they coudint get out of...of excess an debauchery..the video is based on this feelin. for a while it wos great ta be on the inside,but the party got out of hand...its become like the 'Last days of Pompeii'......a.....er...Sodding Gomorrah. the feel good towers represent this. the palace we built has become a prison. in the video im juss wakin up from this year long hedonist's dream, an i realise that maybe......the fruits of success 'ave turned sour...
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Friday, January 19, 2007
umm...me noodle murdoc an russel are gonna tell you 'bout our song an video feel good inc....we are gonna write alot 'bout it so ill put lil bits of it each day
Russel: The video opens on a vast sprawling metropolis,a grimy dystopia over which the Feel Good Tower surveys.It is this building that houses 2D,Murdoc and I,plus a whole host of liggers and burnouts,who lie smashed upon the floor,obviously the casualties of an endless,epic party.
2D seems deeply affected and visibly drained by this apparent selfimprisonment.Outside,Noodle is seen sitting on the edge of her floating island,which is powered by the windmill positioned on top of the island.However,she is being monitored by the ominous presence of two black helicopters.At first it is unclear whether they are preventing her escape or chasing her away.Inside the tower,2D remains apparently unable to free himself from this state.To make matters worse,the ghostly apparitions of Del La Soul appear to taunt 2D,further adding to his distress.
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Thursday, January 18, 2007
........did i look emo wen i wos younger?...i need ta kno damnit!!

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umm...fo murdoc noodle an russel...you guys can readi it if youd like....its juss a band discussin
we cant do that to 'em!they did alot fo us an you kno it!....especially jaime!....i mean....we coud i guess...we coud always get wee jimmy manson righ'?
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
its 'bout..umm..4:38 am over 'ere an it sucks cos no ones on :( damn paula kept comin over yesturday...she came in me room an tried ta seduce me but noodle kicked her arse >:D i mean,paulas nice an all but i hate her...she cheated on me wit murdoc....i hope she dies...ummm..i didint mean it like that...i juss wish she wosint alive anymore :)
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
oo god!

oo god,oo god,oo god..OO GOD!its snowin!ima go get noodle an mike an go make snow men!ummm....ill be righ' back
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....i wosint on sunday an half of monday cos we had ta go play at the manchester opera house....well anyways,weve been workin on our movie an album.our album will prolly be out in march but were not to sure 'bout the movie....ummm...we also migh' make a video game an a tv show...maybe but were not quite sure.if we make a show it wil be on cartoon networks adult swim thing...oo an also were gonna 'ave a world tour next year...um..thats it i guess.....an i almost forgot,i heard this song called fidelity by sum regina spektor person...that song scares the shit out of me
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