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Member Since
• 2005-06-27
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• Call me little master (You know, that boy from Xenosaga)
• Jazz Composer
Anime Fan Since
• The early 90s
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• Trigun and FLCL.
• Creating Storyboards for games, Composing music, and Writing fictional stories.
• Playing the piano
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Short comic:
Sometime during breakfast...
Roy: What's taking so long!? It's been 30 minutes since I ordered breakfast.
Marth: You haven't heard?
Roy: Heard what?
Marth: We got a new cook.
Roy: What happened to the old one?
Marth: Well...
(Back a few days ago in an Iron Video Game Chef competion)
Japanese Host: Whoever wins this battle is the TRUE Super Smash Brothers cook! ...And now for the main ingredient...
J.Host: BEGIN!!!
As the battle begins, Mr. G&W is cooking against Peach. With many burnt meals, Peach is fustrated. So angry, she accidently does the peach bomber (The attack with her butt that lights up the opponent with an explosion) on an oven, blowing it up and setting many things ablaze.
Peach: Uh... oops...
Meanwhile, G&W is steady preparing a hot and spicy dish full of Jalepeno peppers. He takes his time as he shakes his head in disbelief at his 'amature' cook of an opponent.
10 minutes later, the engineers bring in another stove after firefighters stop the fires caused by the peach bomber.
50 minutes later, the match ends.
Peach presenting 3 dishes:
1. Peach's hot summer suprise
2. Jalepeno egg rolls
3. Hot Flavored fudge cake
Mr. G&W presenting a measly 1 dish.
1. Jalepeno pasta
The judges begin their tast test of Peach's food, commenting good on it but bad on the fact of the failed tries. For Mr G&W, they laugh at the one and only dish.
"Well, you can't blame the 2d world... OR is it 1d? *snickering among judges*. It's all about who can cook with the quality. G&W did a very good job with the Jalepeno pasta however, couldn't he of multi tasked; preparing other foods in the meantime?" one judge asked.
"I don't think the old video game characters had much memory to do such things." another one said, answering the question.
Every judge laughed as Mr. G&W had red anime veins all over his forehead.
The results...
J.Host: It has came down to this... After an hour of preperation of food, both of you cooked your hearts out. However, only one will become champion... And that person is... PRINCESS PEACH!
Peach: *Does her taunt*
(End of flashback)
Marth: ...and that's how it was.
Roy: But I thought G&W was only good with breakfast? We all know Peach can't cook! She's sets everything ablaze when she gets frustrated! She burns everything!
Marth: He is but Peach only beat him because she had more and her food tasted good. That's when ever she doesn't burn anything.
*Something explodes in the kitchen and Peach runs out with her hair on fire and into the bathroom*
Roy: See what I mean?
Marth: ... I've lost my appetite.
Roy: Me too.
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