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myOtaku.com: 3v1l m1nion

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

   I have 666 hits right now! xD
Hey everyone! Sorry I have not updated in a while. I guess I've been busy and stuff. u_u

The party that was forever ago was fun. Yuki came over and that was fun. The next weekend Fred came over and she feel asleep at 9:30pm.
I haven't seen Ryu-sama in...3 weeks. ;~; We're on a break right now...so, we're dating with out actually dating. Buuut... Our break ends this week! ¢¾ Very happy about that. We only decided to have a break for a week anyways but I really wanna be his girlfriend again.

I kind sorta cheated on him yesterday by making out with this one guy I know...His name's Marc
I felt really bad though and I told him I wanted to stop but I kinda sorta got molested. Dx

Yesterday was Ryu-sama's b-day and his present still isn't here. ( T _ T )
Happy birthday Ryu-sama!
I also made him a paopu fruit plushie that I'm gonna give to him next time I see him. <3

I told him what happened with Marc like, right after it did because, like I said, I felt bad. I still do. Ryu-sama said that he's going to kick his ass cuz he was mad that he forced himself on me after I told him I didn't want to do anything anymore... Makes me happy that Ryu cares. ^w^

I should stop talking about Ryu-sama...

I need to work on cosplay really badly but it seems like I'm either way over tired or I'm in school or I have homework. u_u

-at lunch-
me: *sitting next to Ian and watching him and other people play Yu-Gi-Oh*
Random person #1: You guys should play strip Yu-Gi-Oh!
Random person #2: Yeah! And who ever wins gets to have the person of their chose to a strip dance for them!
me: WHAT?! xD *laughing*

This week is spirit week! Means we get to dress up as something diffrent for every day of the week. Yesterday was western day...which i didn't dress up for. Today was animal day. I wore Brea's cat ears that Rachel made. ^w^ They're good sized cat ears like the ones in Loveless! Not the small kind so they're awesome!

Thats Ritsuka from Loveless...just so you can get an idea of what size the ears were if you've never read/watched Loveless. =3

Uh, not doing comment replies today cuz I haven't updated in a while. ^^;

.::Current Status::.
Level: 164
Obsessing over: drawing, sewing
Listening to: The Sailor Song - Toy-Box
Chatting to: --
Watching: VH1
Reading: --
Mood: Content

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