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myOtaku.com: 3v1l m1nion

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

.::Current Status::.
Level: 115
Obsessing over: The cute pic
Listening to: --
Chatting to: --
Watching: VH1
Reading: Harry Potter
Mood: depressed

Hi. I need to update more don't I?

Well, my boyfriend broke up with me again. I keep crying and it really sucks. But he said that he still cares about me and stuff. He was saying that a girlfriend impacted things to much. He wants to be able to uh...not sure how to put it, but I guess basically he wants to get a job and stuff like that. I don't know how to put it, but what ever it is, I know its going to be a long time from now, and he said that I'd be the first girl he'd want and stuff...and that I was lying to myself by saying we weren't gonna go out again. I know its true but I wish I didn't like him now.

Yes, I can say I know its going to happen. I can't explain it, but I just can.

I think we might get a new cat. There has been a cat coming around and its really friendly and its kind of skinny. We put food out for it and my mom put a collar on it. She said if the cat still has the collar a week from now then we can keep it. She also said that I get to name it. Yay.

On another note, I went shopping with Fred, Nikki, and Alie last weekend. That was pretty fun. I bought Singstar (video game) and a new pair of pants. And we went to a grossery store for some reason, and I wasted all my quaters trying to get this little Chun Li figure that was in one of the machine thingys XP

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This is the cute pic! Isn't it cute?

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