myOtaku.com: 4GottenShadowBird
Currently under a complete and total reconstruction process.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
NBC 2006 Gallery
I am back! Sorry it took me so long to post! Anyway, just like on all the other places, I thought I'd Show u the con...before even trying to explain it...
 Loofy from One Piece
 Kouga from Inuyasha
4GottenShadowBird's ShadowBird Gallery From No Brand Con 2006 4 Pages and 51 Photos SO FAR ... Meaning.... WARNING: Not All pictures r uploaded at this time. Also the picz form the Cosplay Contest r yet to be Uploaded as Well. They will go into a diff Gallery.
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Mew Mew!!!!!!!
The Con is getting Closer and Closer and I still have A LOT of work to do!! This is Going to be so much fun! I just need to get a hold of a digital camcorder and FAST! Because I want to make vids out of what footage I get, but my camcorder bairly even connects to a TV. There's no way it would hook up to a computer oyz. AHHH!!! *Is Excited* Me have to get to Work like now now now now now now now now now now now!! But first got to play a quick game of Digimon Rescue. (its a online game at Digishakers.) Then Im going to go and play around with a camera, the playstation, and the tv. And get some footage to just make a small vid for practice. My first AMV wasn't an AMV at all it was just a slide show of any and every anime picture that i've ever saved on my computer. And its just something to show friends around here; I'd never post it online because some pictures i don' even know where they came from and I don' want to get sued or yelled at or anything. lol So nope nope..Its just a fakey slideshow. (I liked it though!) So I'm going to see if I can make a more original one using anything and everything I can find that I know I can use and post with the right words as in; I don't claim to own these belong to these sites.... (Like episode video clips and snapshots & stuff!) Mew Mew! Later!
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
It is Now Thursday and so Tomorrow Starts the Cosplay Creation Weekend..well at least for my friends. I don' know if im cosplayin anymore. *shrugs* ack damn it. gtg
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