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Friday, August 25, 2006
Kill Me NOW!
MOOD-  I mean like WTF?
My dears, you will not believe this..but..I talked to my mom yesterday and asked her "So Are we still going to get my learners tomorrow?.." all shy like an stuff and SHE says, "Oh..Well umm...I was thinking we could go some time next week..Like on Thursday or Friday" and I said "WHAT????". Thats right kids, I got myself all WORKED INTO getting my Learners today and it turns out IM NOT UNTIL LATER! I am both overjoyed (because while I dont get my learners, I still get a new drawing book today ^_~) and destroyed (because now I have to wait until SCHOOLS about to start before I can take it and I have another nerve-racking week ahead of me AND I will already be worried about SCHOOL! DAMN IT!)...Have you ever noticed how parents (some, not all) seem to try and prolong you getting your learners or your license?..I think they know "well once they get that before you know it they will have a JOB and move onto COLLEGE then be out of the HOUSE and I will never see them again!" I think that maybe that is what my mom is afraid of. I know that she wants me to have my learners and all, but I think maybe somewhere she does not. Its not her fault though, I will more then likely be the same when I am a parent (IF I am a parent that is ;P)...Well to tell you guys the truth that is all I really wanted to say. I could rant about so many more things, but you know, thats just me ^^
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
Could not take it! -__-
MOOD-  Speaks for itself..
It really bugged me that I had a pyromaniac Background and post box, but not an avatar to go with it! So dont tell him but I made one of my own. ^_~ Of course I am giving him credit for it and all, its his pic. I mean all I did was crop one of his pictures and add that text by hand in paint and the border. Not much if you think about it. But also, if you think about it, I now have an avatar that UNLESS YOU TAKE IT FROM ME, you will neve have XP Which I think is kind of cool ;P If you like this avatar, I might be inclined to make you one, but I am not sure. I usually like to help people, but without Photoshop CSII I am not the pro that I used to be. This was dont in paint after all. I was surprised at how well it came out when in only took me a few seconds. Anyway, enough of me bosting about stupid stuff (for now anyway ;P) Still kind of nerve-raked her about the whole learners thing. I know that everyone keeps saying "Your ganna pass, your ganna pass" over and over agian, but that does not stop me from feeling like I would rather jump from the highest cliff then take that stupid test. *sigh* What can I say? I have butterflies in my stomach. Even my BF failed his first time around, but still. I am happy and I am scared, because afterword I get a new drawing book either way. I remember I told marcus that the other day and he said (as sweet as he always is to me ^^) "Thats good, a gift to congratulate you when you pass the test" and I said "OR a gift to make me feel a little bit better when I FAIL MY ASS OFF" Thats me, ever the pessimist -__-
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
What? Another New look?
MOOD-  you know we all are inside ^_~
As if I dont change my BG enough, these two pics are from my new fav. DA artist (Besides Divine, I still love ya babe ^_~) Pyromaniac is just well, He is so good that I am trying to change my style so it fits HIS in a sort. I have ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wanted a style like that ever sense I started hanging out with my friend Max (who I will not get to see anymore :( ). Anyway, Pyromaniac's drawings are EMOISH, thats why I kind of like them. There is also another girl on DA who draws JUST LIKE HIM and I like her too, but I cant remember her user name...?..Well, I will post some of his pics at the end of this post so that you can see them. But for right now I am thinking about my summer reading books, I read two and now I only have 1 left!!! YA!!! I will soon be able to read what I want to read!!! W007!! But then again, there is that other thing I need to kind of worry about, and thats getting my learners on fri., Yeah, I know you would think that they way that I talked about it a while ago that I would have it by now right? Well, you would be DEAD WRONG. I have been putting it of and putting it off, but NO MORE! I am going to do this! I know I am! I want to! (kind of...^^;) So I made my mom set a date, and thats fri...You know what though? After talking to all of my good friends about it and seeing what they think, and how they are being held back from getting a divers license as well I started to think...I am kind of lucky..And who knows, maybe driving IS as fun as everyone says it is? I cant say that its going to be ALL bad. A little scary maybe at first, but I will get used to it right? I know its corny, but if I TRY I think I can really do it ^_^....OK enough of that s***...I hate being hopefull is does not suit me, ask anyone..(right kitsune?) Well, I think I am done ranting for now ^^ I am going to post those pic's now I guess:
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
Hard Times
MOOD-  Sink into it.
I know that it has been far to long sense I have posted on this site. I have been going non-stop for the past 3 days helping a friend who is haveing a hard time in her life right now and hurting a "friend" who is hateing on the friend I am trying to help because the friend I am trying to help does not want to be friends with HER anymore....*sigh*..I hope you got some of that, cuz I know I didnt. Anyway, it was kind of making me sick, so today I am going to try to do something with my Boyfriend to help me "unwind" if you know what I mean lol.
Well, on to a lighter note, I found another cool artist. Surprisingly, he is not an anime artist, I just adore his style and while his attitude and intrests might be a little...strange...his art, I think Is breath-taking. ^^ So I am going to post some of his art here (go and vist his DA to see more yes his user name is Deadness and do not give me any credit for HIS art ok? Or I will KILL YOU!!!)
((I am taking of my post boxes so that you can see them better, I hope they dont freak you out ^_~ lol)):
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Monday, August 14, 2006
And so, I return...
As you can see I have changed my theme again. I believe the name of the anime/manga is Ouran High School Club? (my apologies if this is the wrong title..) To tell you the truth, I have NO idea what this anime is about, nor have I watched it at all or read any of the books. By this point you must be wondering why I even have it up at all. If you guessed that it was to bug Kitsune, you would be RIGHT! *bing bong!* lol, I am sorry if I made you mad though Kitsue, I know that you have been having a very hard time with some girl at Band Camp. I wish there was something I could do to help you, but really, sometimes you just have to ignore it. And I, of all people, should know how hard that is. People can be so rude and hatefull that it makes me sick just talking about it. *BLEH!* I dont know why people feel the need to hate someone they dont even know..It is beyond me...but I guess that is hypocritical of me. Because I did (or I do) the same thing sometimes. Like with Marcus's "friend" Kelly, she has a tendency to call his house when I am there and come over when I am there (or at least she did once) and when I have her a cold stare she had the nerve to ask Marcus what MY problem was..*grrrrr* well anyway, I got of track in my blind rage..what was I saying...that I hate her? not it..oh right! Its that I dont know her very well and I still hate her very very very much. I guess thats not fare to her..or something..not that I care really..ANYWAY! I guess I will stop now, before I say something that I might regret -___-...
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Friday, August 11, 2006
My style changes fast
MOOD-  Deadly
Now its tsubasa, but it will not be that way for very long ^_^ I am thinking about doing Sukisho next, I dont know why I am just in the mood for it I guess. I have been trying to watch Tsubasa on YouTube but it takes like2 hours to download one full episode and it really pissed me off. *GRR!* Anyway, I started my period today (i know you more then likely dont want to hear about that)..It hurt A LOT earilier, but it has calmed down now and I feel as though I am going to survive lol. I thought it was starange though, it usually comes on the 16 or the 15, and today is the 11! I was not really ready for it, but maybe it is better this way. Now I wont have to worry about it comming while I am at my Boyfriends house on Sunday or shoping with my mom for clothes tomorrow (i still worry that I will have a hard time sleeping though, I almost always do the first night *sigh*). I envy the girls that feel no pain at all during their periods, and I also hate them for it because it is not fare! Im the kind of person that if I suffer, you all must suffer with me!! MUHAHAHAHA!..*ahem* well anyway, I was looking at DeviantART again at one of my fav. artists Lasaro (here is the link to her DA page, go and see ^^ I would like to post some of her art here, and remember if I do and you like it GO AND GIVE HER THE CREDIT AND DONT STEAL IT OR I WILL KILL YOU! OR WORCE, I WILL GET KITSUNE TO KILL YOU!!(lol)
I am taking of the boxes so that you can see them ^^:
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Killing me Slowly
MOOD-  I will Kill him!
This summer has been OK I guess, but now that it is getting closer to..<.<..*school*..Im just feeling bad -__- What can I say? I don't like school, and I dont know many people that do. If you do, I have nothing against you or anything..I am sure you have your reasons, like not wanting to be at home..or somthing. Well anyway, I found out yesterday that Marcus and I will not be able to do anything during summer for the REST of summer unless it is on the weekend. Let me tell you the story..
To start off I guess I should tell you that Marcus's older brother, Named Danial, USED to work at Busch Gardens. I say used to, because he was recently "let go" (i say Fired T_T). What is the reason you ask? He works in parking and the other day (well a few days ago) He was trying to show someone where to park and they would not listen, and did not drive very well (not really his fault when I think about it 7_7) and he cursed them out. So, the people he cursed out complained and he got fired. At the time I just laughed at it. (I never did like that Dan character ((lol)))But then David, and his stupid self had to go and say "I am going to volly ball conditioning for the rest of the summer and I need to use the car to leave early in the moring and stay ALL DAY!" (I should also add how MANY cars Marcus's family has. They have four. Thats right four. and one of them is Danial's, one marcus cant drive ((because it is a stick-shift)),two of them are needed for marcus's parents to go to work (the stick shift and the van) and one david NEEDS to use to get to volly ball) Now there is only one car there and do you want to know why Marcus cant use it?? CUZ ITS DANIAL'S AND EVEN THOUGH HE HAS NO WHERE TO BE BECAUSE HE DOES NOT HAVE A JOB NOW HE WILL NOT LET MARCUS USE IT ONCE!!!! So...*ahem*..Now my summer is kind of messed up TOTALY because Davids stupid and Danial's a selfish jack ass. I wanted to go to the mall with Marcus today so that we could see what clothes we want each other to wear when we go back to school (I am going clothes shopping with my mom this weekend) and now I cant because of those two ASS HOLES! MANNNN!! IT MAKES ME SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MADDD!!! *GRGRGRGRRRR!!*
Ok, Im done.
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Monday, August 7, 2006
I love my new look ^_~
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Friday, August 4, 2006
Sorry it took me so very long...
MOOD-  Leave me be!
For the past two days I have been reading my summer reading book (Ender's Game), the first of three books I must read. I read this books two days, non-stop and finished it yesterday..-___- and when I say non-stop I mean it. I only stoped to talk to Marcus really. And also, so I would not forget what I had read (and so my mom would shut up about it) I summarized the book part by part, inch by inch, on 5 sheets, front to back, top to bottom, let to right, black white paper mind you, and in SMALL ASS TEXT! (dont ask me why I did that..
People- Why the hell did you do that?
me-I TOLD U NOT TO ASK!!)well, really I did it because I have this tallent, If I want something bad enough, I can get it. And what I wanted was to be able to read NEGIMA and FRUITS BASKET over agian. I really just wanted to get at least ONE book out of the way ya know??....SOOO...that being said..I dont want anyone asking me to do anything for the next few days alright? I am cut to the core and I need some down time with my books. So before you ask, no I cant help you with your BG. And that goes for you KIT-SU-NE! No asking this week alright? *climbs back into bed* thats enough for me...Bye guys, Have a fun weekend ^_^
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Hey Guys ^^
MOOD-  Unforgivable
Another boring post by me -___-' oh well, what cha ganna do right? I am still not done reading NEGIMA and on top of all that my legs are still sore from when I went to water country, you know with the swimming and the walking, and the very few brakes. That and I am out of shape so..Now it hurts when I bend to sit down, stand up, and slightly when I walk..Doesnt that sound FUN?? I am waiting for it to stop already...*sigh*..I have had so much to worry about lately though, Im thinking about getting my permint from DMV soon. You know, sense I already have my Green Card and all. (you kind of need it to get your permit I think) And Im just nerves that I wont pass the test or that I have to be behind the wheel of a car at all. What can I say? I am a chicken. I have always been that way really, some people are brave, Im just..well...NOT lol. Anyway, I will stop complaining now ^^ See ya!
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