1. You wake up in the middle of the night and scream "IM NOT SHORT!"
2. Your mad at any of the girls in FMA for even talking to Ed (<.< >.>)
3. You blame Roy when you dont have enough money to "fund your improtant research"
4. You have tried to make a Philosopher's Stone (just a few more human lives and...)
5. You draw transmutation circles on the walls of your room.
6. You glew little pink sparkels on wires and tie them to your body and strike cool stances with your shirt of. (^^;)
7. You flinch every time you hear someone say "That doll looks just like the person that died a few days ago,"
8. You wrap tinfoil around your arm and leg and call it "automail"
9. You have tried to bring a dead person (your mom) back to life and lost limbs in the prosses
10. You spaz-out when someone says your short.
11. You snap your fingers and get mad when the flame does not come on call (stupid fire!WORK WORK!)
12. You HATE the taste of milk because ed does not like it.
13. You have tryed to burn down your house at least 5 times in the past week because you were "leaving it behind you"
14. Your a Dog Of the Military
15. You dont let your friends barrow things unless you get something from them first of the same value (EQUIVALENT EXCHANGE BITCH!)
16. You train on an island because your "teacher" says your failing science.
17. You run around your school screaming "ALL IS ONE AND ONE IS ALL BE PART OF THE WORLD!"