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myOtaku.com: 5ilv3rF0x

Friday, June 16, 2006

A long time coming
Sorry its been so long guys. I just have not found the time ya know? But now its summer and I have ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD! More time then I want, im sorry to say >.< Anyway, I have some new pics for you guys, I found these little chibis in a signature on FMA.com I hope that you like them, I think they are just TO CUTE!
BTW, If you are an Edward, Envy, or Roy fan and you NEED an avatar; I have the one that YOU are looking for ^_~ and I will upload it for you FOR FREE! (not that I could charge you even if I wanted to lolz)
OH! and heres a little kitty that can lick your screen for you, to clean it of course!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And Here are the CHIBIS!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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