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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Killing me Slowly
MOOD-  I will Kill him!
This summer has been OK I guess, but now that it is getting closer to..<.<..*school*..Im just feeling bad -__- What can I say? I don't like school, and I dont know many people that do. If you do, I have nothing against you or anything..I am sure you have your reasons, like not wanting to be at home..or somthing. Well anyway, I found out yesterday that Marcus and I will not be able to do anything during summer for the REST of summer unless it is on the weekend. Let me tell you the story..
To start off I guess I should tell you that Marcus's older brother, Named Danial, USED to work at Busch Gardens. I say used to, because he was recently "let go" (i say Fired T_T). What is the reason you ask? He works in parking and the other day (well a few days ago) He was trying to show someone where to park and they would not listen, and did not drive very well (not really his fault when I think about it 7_7) and he cursed them out. So, the people he cursed out complained and he got fired. At the time I just laughed at it. (I never did like that Dan character ((lol)))But then David, and his stupid self had to go and say "I am going to volly ball conditioning for the rest of the summer and I need to use the car to leave early in the moring and stay ALL DAY!" (I should also add how MANY cars Marcus's family has. They have four. Thats right four. and one of them is Danial's, one marcus cant drive ((because it is a stick-shift)),two of them are needed for marcus's parents to go to work (the stick shift and the van) and one david NEEDS to use to get to volly ball) Now there is only one car there and do you want to know why Marcus cant use it?? CUZ ITS DANIAL'S AND EVEN THOUGH HE HAS NO WHERE TO BE BECAUSE HE DOES NOT HAVE A JOB NOW HE WILL NOT LET MARCUS USE IT ONCE!!!! So...*ahem*..Now my summer is kind of messed up TOTALY because Davids stupid and Danial's a selfish jack ass. I wanted to go to the mall with Marcus today so that we could see what clothes we want each other to wear when we go back to school (I am going clothes shopping with my mom this weekend) and now I cant because of those two ASS HOLES! MANNNN!! IT MAKES ME SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MADDD!!! *GRGRGRGRRRR!!*
Ok, Im done.
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