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Thursday, August 24, 2006
Could not take it! -__-
MOOD-  Speaks for itself..
It really bugged me that I had a pyromaniac Background and post box, but not an avatar to go with it! So dont tell him but I made one of my own. ^_~ Of course I am giving him credit for it and all, its his pic. I mean all I did was crop one of his pictures and add that text by hand in paint and the border. Not much if you think about it. But also, if you think about it, I now have an avatar that UNLESS YOU TAKE IT FROM ME, you will neve have XP Which I think is kind of cool ;P If you like this avatar, I might be inclined to make you one, but I am not sure. I usually like to help people, but without Photoshop CSII I am not the pro that I used to be. This was dont in paint after all. I was surprised at how well it came out when in only took me a few seconds. Anyway, enough of me bosting about stupid stuff (for now anyway ;P) Still kind of nerve-raked her about the whole learners thing. I know that everyone keeps saying "Your ganna pass, your ganna pass" over and over agian, but that does not stop me from feeling like I would rather jump from the highest cliff then take that stupid test. *sigh* What can I say? I have butterflies in my stomach. Even my BF failed his first time around, but still. I am happy and I am scared, because afterword I get a new drawing book either way. I remember I told marcus that the other day and he said (as sweet as he always is to me ^^) "Thats good, a gift to congratulate you when you pass the test" and I said "OR a gift to make me feel a little bit better when I FAIL MY ASS OFF" Thats me, ever the pessimist -__-
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