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| IceEnchantress
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Hey everyone, I decided not to say good morning, but that's only because...randomness! Hehe, methinks I'm going to have an interesting day. The youngest sibling who broke his wrist, he and I are going to watch anime together today to pass the time, since he was SO BORED yesterday while I was at work.
Oh, and I got to train this new girl at work. She's a senior and I'm like a sophomore, but I got to train her! So much fun! But yeah, work was generally boring yesterday and I wasn't too into doing much of anything, in short of preparing for my weekly fanfiction update.
TODAY I UPDATE! Okay, I update all my fanfictions this week. There's like seven or eight of them. If they don't have a complete next to them, there's a chapter being I love to write so this is fun for me! Oh yeah, I also put up some fanart, and I plan to put up a few more e-cards sometime today. I'd appreciate any and all comments! Hope everyone has a good day after the destruction of the Later!
![]( Look at me! I can twirl a cane! WHEE!
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Okay, I have loads to tell you before I have to go to work. My bro is gone, and apparently, he'd been lying from step one, wanted to have a party and whatnot, so his recruiter had to come pick him up because he missed the bus... oh man. At least he hugged us who were there good-bye. Mom took away his cell phone, and all that jazz... oh well. The prank never came to pass *sigh*.
My youngest sibling who's been voting on the article topics for me, he nearly broke his arm/wrist in half! It's in a brace right now until Friday, until they can give him a cast. I'm angry about the school nurse though. She said she doubted it was even fractured and gave him a bandage and sent him on his way... she didn't even bother to tell Mom he fell at school. That makes me wonder why we have school nurses if they can't even judge the difference between a sprain and a fracture. Oh well, the poor boy can't put his wrist in water for the next six weeks... unlucky him, and now he cannot play video games and bother his sister while she's writing... sorta lucky, not really.
Okay, I got to go. I'll check everyone's posts out tonight. Later!
![]( Look at me! I can twirl a cane! WHEE!
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Monday, June 5, 2006
I would be perkier, but I had an interesting night... Yesterday's post can recap it for you. Actually, I spoke with Ra-chan and Ki-chan, and they both really cheered me up. Thanks so much you two!
There is an update though. Even though we won't get to ride with him, we're going down to see him off. We're also going to play a prank on him as he's leaving (revenge is so sweet; Mom taught me this). Actually, I'll tell you about the prank tomorrow if we manage to pull it off. It'd be a fun story to share. For now, it'll be a secret.
I love writing so much, that I'm already working on the third article in my little series of Tales of Symphonia articles. It's going to be about Raine Sage, and after that, we'll finally do someone people are looking into reading about, but it's not Kratos... he hasn't been picked yet. My sibling caught onto my plan to have them pick, and they're doing everything in their power to challenge me. Hehe, gotta love sibling rivalry. Well, I'm off to see the bro off. Later!
![]( Look at me! I can twirl a cane! WHEE!
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Sunday, June 4, 2006
Second Post
I hate this. I hate it when he's like this. I know they've never gotten along too well, but this, this is depressing. My bro who's leaving is fighting with Mom. He doesn't want her to see him off. Mom's mad. He's mad. They're yelling. It's not the best environment for anything productive right now. Thanks Ki-chan for commenting earlier. I'm happy you did. I was in a better mood.
I hate when I'm like this. I guess I'm depressed, but I'm also angry. This shouldn't be happening. I don't think it should. Of course, no family is perfect, but this is ridiculous. I wonder sometimes if they'll ever get along.
I'm going to take my own advice though. I'll wait for the rainbow...even if I don't think it'll come. Later.
PS- Check out yesterday's post to find out why I call myself Acorn, and if you're not too busy, I'd really like to just chat with someone about anything. I left my Yahoo ID for anyone to reach me at. I'll be on for the next four to five hours, if not longer.
![]( Look at me! I can twirl a cane! WHEE!
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Actually, I don't how this works. I went to bed at a fairly late hour and here I am, up with the sunrise! It's not fair I tell ya!
Oh, and can y'all read yesterday's post? I kinda posted it a little late at night, but I put why my name is Acorn in there, because I thought people could use some cheering up... really, it's a laugh.
HOORAY! My second article is up and I'm so happy! *does some sort of happy dance* *squirrels throw nuts* *anime crash* Oops, that was my anti-squirrel
I haven't told y'all too much about my family, but one of my bros is getting ready to leave for the military. Today we're kind of spending with him, but afterwards...umm... he'll be leaving. I don't want to see him off, but his heart is set. He's going to go. Which leaves me worrying about him incessantly. Mom has promised though, that if I write him, he'll have to do pushups... what an incentive for such a kind, loving, caring sister...hehe >:D
Okay, okay, we fought a lot. More than most in some ways. Less physical, more verbal. I can't help but get a little revenge. Don't get me wrong, I love my bro, but well, revenge is revenge.
I'm getting off... I'll check everyone's posts tonight when we check in for the night. Later!
PS- Don't forget to check out yesterday's post.
![]( Look at me! I can twirl a cane! WHEE!
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Saturday, June 3, 2006
Bad Day?
It seems like everyone online is having a bad day today! So to this I say think of the poor rainbows that are being overlooked...hehe, yeah, I know, confusing. It's okay to have a bad day and all...totally allowed, but remember the good days too, and be reminded that a good day is coming after the bad one(s). I always love to wait for a good day because they always make me feel ten times better. I worry about all my friends, because if they aren't happy, then they need a cheering squad or life-support, one or the other (Honestly I hope for the cheering squad; life-support means bad, bad things).
I'm still waiting on my article... I don't know if it went through yet or not. And I have some fanart that I might put up here, nothing big. It's from my personal sketchbook, and I'm not one to run around sharing my "artistic talents" for one reason: I'm simply not good enough yet.
Okay, to make everyone feel absolutely better today, here's the story of how I got my name:
I was going out X-mas tree shopping with the sibs and a family friend, and I was tired, I don't drink coffee or tea (remember my earlier equation, me+sugar=scary?), and we were out in the cold! So anyhow, we look around a little and I see this tree and I go,
"Oh look, this tree would be perfect if it didn't have acorns on it."
My sibs reply,
"Those are pinecones, Acorn."
Henceforth, I am known as Acorn! Just for the record I AM NOT a blonde, or whatever the current stereotype is. So have happier days, and if not, talk to me, I'm here, hehe. Later!
![]( Look at me! I can twirl a cane! WHEE!
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Friday, June 2, 2006
Okay, I was totally terrified today. I know I'm probably asking for it, going to an amusement park with my siblings and actually riding the rides, but some of them are actually worth it. Sadly, my fear of heights kicked in on this one ride. It swung back and forth and spun around. Oh man, we were SO HIGH UP! It scared the pants off me...*sigh*... I didn't even realize how tight I was holding onto my seat until I landed. Never again I tell you! That ride is forever listed as a ride I will not touch!
I just submitted my second article today. It'll probably take a few days to get posted, but by vote of my youngest sibling, it's going to be about Genis Sage, which is none of the characters I mentioned in my previous Well, I hope everyone has better days. Later!
![]( Look at me! I can twirl a cane! WHEE!
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No, I've not had any sugar yet. Me+sugar=scary. I just like saying a loud good morning, because then it sounds like I'm more awake than I really am.
Hey everyone, I'm going to the amusement park sometime today hopefully, and I am not bringing the jacket. I'm also going to attempt to talk to my friend. I tried last night but I was still a little too flustered to talk to her, and I had to get up EARLY in the morning...lucky me.
Oh yeah, Gothic Princess has promised me pictures of this guy that she's trying to hook me up with (or me with him, I don't know anymore). I know I probably should be a little less excited, but meeting new people has always made me happy. You know? Well, I have chores, and I'll probably write again later.
![]( Look at me! I can twirl a cane! WHEE!
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Thursday, June 1, 2006
The Coat
That's it. The sky is getting gray and this is like the third time in a row where I've brought my coat to work with me and it actually started to storm!
*sigh* I own a cursed coat. I wish I didn't. But I can't part with it! It's a black leather jacket, and I've never owned one before! Just one of my random observations.
![]( Look at me! I can twirl a cane! WHEE!
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Ra-Chan and Gothic Princess
Hehe, I'm overflowing with joy because Ra-chan mentioned me and said she'd update her fanfiction soon in the same entry! Happy day! I would do the happy dance but I'm trying to regain some composure here...hehe.
Oh, I guess I can mention Gothic Princess. She's not part of myotaku or anything. It's just her nickname. She actually doesn't like anime too much and she's in school right now, but she did something outside the box today and it freaked me out. One, she's trying to set me up on a date (she NEVER plays matchmaker, so I found this shocking), and two, she's trying to surround herself with more people who are obsessed with anime! I find this highly amusing for me, but not so lucky for her.
Recently, me and one of my other friends have been fighting. I don't mean to get angry with her. She expected me to write a paper for her, and granted, I don't mind helping people. In fact, I'll still help her if she asks me too. It's the fact that she tried to get me to write her paper that upset me. We haven't really spoken too much in the last few days. I feel bad that I snapped at her about it, but at the same time I'm mad that she tried to do that to me. Oh well. Life goes on.
Okay, I've got to get back to work or the boss man is going to get angry with me. Later!
PS- I'll share the story of my name another time. It's a barrel of laughs.
![]( Look at me! I can twirl a cane! WHEE!
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