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Fitchburg, MA
Member Since
Real Name
Josh Jeremy Jacob - Triple J ^_^
Mesmerizing FFVII nearly word for word
Anime Fan Since
Anime fan since the early 90's. But true otaku since 1999
Favorite Anime
Neon Genesis Evangelion, Naruto, and Bleach ^_^
To get a job and feed my video game addiction! I needs me the following games: Resident Evil 4, Shadow Of The Colossus, Guitar Hero, Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi, Inuyasha Feudal Combat, and Soul Calibur III!!!
Watching lots of anime, playing video games, and listening to music
Meh, don't really have any ^_~
| ShikamaruKnowsAll

 Yep. That'd be me. You don't have to tell me, I know how pathetic I look :P
 And here's Ryan, your future Kiba/Itachi
Monday, November 28, 2005
Music Video: "Hypnotize" - System Of A Down
System Of A Down - Hypnotize
WHAT'S THIS? 3 comics today?!?!?! You'll see.......
Episode 132: If You Didn't See It Coming, You Might Be Blind

Hey guys! How was your weekend? Me? I had a blast ^_^
Saturday I spent the morning playing me some Dragon Quest VIII (which is going VERY well might I add ^^). Sometime in the afternoon I got the obligitory call from Ryan saying that he would be over shortly to kidnap me. We grabbed Joey and then crashed the mall for a few hours. We WERE gonna wear our forehead protectors, but the mall won't allow it, since they can be used as a "dangerous weapon" LOL After the mall romp we grabbed some food, then headed back to Ryan's to catch Toonami (which was great as usual ^_^ I only have one beef: They changed the name of Haku's jutsu >_< It's supposed to be DEMONIC ICE MIRRORS not this stupid crystal ice mirrors crap :P)
Yesterday was pretty fun too. We played some Halo in the morning, then went down to iGamestop and started up a D&D campaign. We're basing our campaign off of R.A. Salvatore's books ^_^ We're not the actual characters, but we're based on them :P My character is based Artemis Entreri: a human assassain ^_^ After a good 2 hours of gaming, we decided to call it a day. After I got home it was out the door again LOL I ended up going Christmas shopping with my mom. FINALLY when I was able to get home and stay home, I was able to cozy up with a 5 hour romp into the world of DQVIII ^_____^
And, that'd be about it ^^ So, take care everybody, and I'll see you all tomorrow ^_^ *huggles* - Josh
Episode 133 (Joke): If You Did See It Coming, You Might Be Psychic

Episode 133 (Real): But Not A Very Good Psychic If You Didn't See This Instead

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