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bunnyhero labs pet code -->
 yasu that is my japaneese nameYou are a dog. you are a loyal friend, and are extremely nice. but sometimes you'd do anything for food!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I am still cleaning my room I started monday night. The only time I get to work on it is at night because my dad is alseep because he worked the night before. We had a wicked storm this mornbeen getting up at 5:30 to get back in to school routine. I am tired and I haven't watch tv since that woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep. The storm woke me up at 4:26 and I have been getting up at 5:30 to get back in the school routine. I am tired and I haven't watch tv since monday.
How was your day?
Mine went very fast until 9:30 I had to put whiteing strips on and I couldn't talk for 30 mintues I have to do that twice a day for 2 weeks.
How was yours?
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007
I am done with the story I
go on and on about it so I
am done. I had a werid
dream on monday night.
The dream
It was the first day of school
my school didn't have resigton
so they brought our enrollment
sheets to us in the morning of
the first day of school. I was
walking a few of my friends to
our lockers one of my friends
have already told me my locker
number but I have
forgotten it so I ask her
again she said she didn't
know by that time the girl
with the enrollment sheets
was coming to us and I got
my enrollment sheet and I
look at my schedule and my
locker number. I went to
locker number 354 and I open
the locker and somebody had
already put
their stuff in there and it
was a mess so I had
a friend of mine look and
she fixed the books for me
I then put my stuff in. That
is when I
woke up with a jerk that
someone was pulling me
back to my bed and
my room
and earth for that
Any questions for me?
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Monday, August 6, 2007
Whats up?
I am at my moms for
seven months. I
just found out
last night that
the puzzle I
bought had a
glue to it
and the
newspaper is
18 years old.
The year is
Robbie said but
I am older then
they are. Kimberley
and Robert said
that doesn't
mean anything.
By the time they
were done with
their argument
Kelly was done
with the phone.
Kelly then went
and seen if the
computer was open
which is wasn't
because Michael
was on so kelly
check the time
that Michael sign
on which was 3
hours ago. Kelly
then went and told
her mom that Michael
was on the computer
for 3 hours.
Kimberley got up
and shut the computer
down and told
Michael that
he was grounded and then Kimberley
called a
family meeting.
Kimberley said
that she was
tired of everyone
trying to use the
phone and computer
long then they
were suppose to
so the only
people who are
allowed to use
the phone and
computer are
Kelly, Jessie
your dad and
I. That means
Robbie and Michael
you are grounded.
Oh and if you want
to use the computer
and phone you have
to come to one of
us to sign you on.
Do I make myself
Qutoe of the week
"The good part of
recovery is that
you get your
feelings back;
the bad part
is that you get
your feelings back."
Ah, the paradox of recovery (one of many). When I was 'out there' I had an easy way of dealing with my feelings - I'd numb them out. Unable to feel or even acknowledge them, I'd drift through the complexities of relationships and situations, neither growing nor evolving. In fact I've heard it said that we come into the program emotionally defined by the age we started drinking and using.
So here I was a 37 year old man with the emotional maturity of a young 16 year old. And here came a bewildering onslaught of FEELINGS. Shame, fear, rage, regret, resentment - the range, depth and color of my feelings were overwhelming. How could I survive?
Over time I learned that my feelings were not going to kill me. I learned that although sometimes painful and unwanted, my feelings were valid and each had something valuable to teach me. Through working the program I developed tools to process them and soon learned to give them the space and respect they deserved. Today my feelings are teachers, and all teachers are welcome.
Question of the day
What is your favoite time of day?
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Friday, August 3, 2007
Jessie said okay I will help
you on one condition. Kelly
asked what is that one codition?
Jessie said you have to clean
my room and do my house work
for one month. Kelly sais how
do except me to clean your
room if I don't even clean
my room very good. Jessie
said then I will do you a
favor I will clean your room
and help you if you do my
house work for 3 months, do
we have a deal or not? Kelly
said yes we have a deal.
Kelly asked Jessie if she
could have the smaller room
off of Jessie's room. Jessie
said will you keep it clean
and will you stay queit whe
I am trying to work on my
homework. Kelly said Jessie
we can turn my old room in
an office. Jessie okay you
can have it. The next week
Kelly was move into her new
room and the office was
complete. Jessie had mangae
to get a tape recoder put
in the downstairs computer
room so kimberley could see
that brandon wasn't doing
homework like he told her.
Kelly got a boyfriend that
her dad Robert like. Kelly's
boyfriends name is Bryson.
Kelly's brother Robbie came
home and made kelly get on
the phone so he could use but
kelly was sign in and her
dad had made sure she got
to use the phone for the
time that they got to use
the phone for. Robbie said
that is not fair. Kelly's
mom said Robbie you have
to wait yur turn like
everyone else. Robbie
What do you think it is almost done.
What is your favorite day of the week?
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