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In my own litle world...
Member Since
Writer...well...a student at the moment but I want to be a writer.
Real Name
Atashina Akume
...none that I know of...
Anime Fan Since
not sure exactly...major fan since about 6th grade though
Favorite Anime
Anime:Gundam Wing, Full Metal Alchemist, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh, Fruits Basket, Inu-Yasha, Angelic Layer, Case Close/Detective Conan, Nuku Nuku, Card Captor Sakura Manga: Petshop of Horrors, W Juliet, Demon Diary, Planet Ladder, Host Club, Angel Sanctua
To become a writer
Reading and Writing

Hi, I'm Yasha! My friends Cia and Tora-Chan (superham99) talked me into starting an account on here so I did even though I am completely clueless as to what I am doing...Anywho! I am a fan of many different Anime and Manga, some of which I listed on the side panel. Ummm...Me thinks that is all for now so Ja Ne!!
Oh yeah, here is a quick little bit of info for ya!
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this into your profile.
Here are the Clubs I'm in!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006
hey minna
Hi! I really haven't updated in a long time...Not that I really have had anything of interest to talk about though...oh well. Here are a few things that I've done...Made a dulcimer with A LOT of help from my parents. Bleached my hair blond after getting it cut short. Read a bunch of books including A Bite to Remember by Lyndsay Sands, Giver and Silent Boy by Lois Lowry and Illusians by Richard something. I'm currently reading The Count of Monte Cristo. I went to the play at my school called Dear Finder...didn't care for it...kinda wish I didn't have ta go...oh well. I also got a bunch of surprise there...Ano...beyond that all I've done is go to work and school...I have no life...*sigh* Well, I have ta leave soon to go to my grandparents house...Maybe I will actually update in the near future? Probably not...
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
First Day Back
Yeah...first day of school. Who cares. Thats not the reason I decided to post...I just want so squeal over the House/Wilson pairing and Tenshi-Chan is already in bed...I was watching House tonight which lead to me looking up some fanfics before going to bed just because and then I found a story that mentioned a song so I tried finding it...and instead I found a bunch of House/Wilson videos!!! I am currently in fangirl heaven so yeah...don't listen to me...but SUGOI SUGOI SUGOI!!!!! Fanfictions are awsome but videos are soooo much better!!!! *squeal* Ok...I think I should go to bed now...lack of sleep catching up and making me crazier....Ja ne minna! *goes to watch one more vid before bed*
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Friday, September 1, 2006
Yeah...Another post...
A major switch in topic here but...the other day I was motifying a poem called Philosophy of a Tool that I had found on a pic of Haku from Naruto and I still am not happy with what have thus far...and Tenshi-Chan isn't helping in the is what I have...
Useless life
Born within winters mist
This cursed blood tortured an even colder soul
Family, country
By neither was I acknowledged
An unwanted existence bringing endless pain
Then one appeared
His hands stained with blood
These tainted lives forging an altered destiny
Time flows forward
My unspoken debt remains unpaid
His will created an unbreakable tool of ice
Forever used
This tool of his remains
Faithful to him for a tool feels no pain
The original is longer and much wordier then mine but I think they both get the same thing for what I don;t like,besides the whole thing, is the last line in the second stanza, the word well as the last two stanza...those parts specifically don't sound right to me...anywhos...I think I am done today so I'm off to bed...its already after midnight and I need to start getting up early for school...ja.
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Kami-Sama I hate humans....
Today during dinner my family started talking about the wars and what-not which isn't that big of a deal but then Tenshi-Chan and I were stupid and voiced our opinions on the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Of course I was enjoying my wonderful hot fudge sundae at the time so I wasn't really thinking but that lead to a larger arguement since both of my parents are have this annoying, close-minded American pride that won't let them listen to anything bad about the US. Unfortunatly, both Tenshi-Chan and I hate the US and actually look past the 'wonderful' little face-value of the country...All in all, everyone but my little brother was pissed off by the time we left IHOP and it only got worse when we got home and my Mom told Tenshi-Chan to stay outside for a bit, I went inside right away since I wanted to get rid of my damn shoes but when I went out again they had continued the arguement and I noticed that Tensh was almost in tears which ment she was beyond pissed off and that didn't help how angry I was...After a bit I decided to wait out back in the parking lot behind my house and wait for Tensh to get away from Kaa-San and Tou-San and then we went for a nice long the time we were done we had both calmed down enough...comparing other countries to grass and life to a box of chocolates is enough to lighten the mood...and cursing out America for half an hour before hand probably did the trick as well...oh well, I hate humans, that all there is to it...
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