Yaoi Yuri Neko
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Christmas Time (Long post)
Hey you guys, how was your guys' and gals' Christmas? Well, I surely enjoyed mine. So here's the story:
On Thursday, I went to my parents' house to stay there and such for the holidays, and THEY DIDN'T EVEN GET THE TREE YET. Ahem, I already had one, so yeah, instead of getting a new one, Brandon and I drove back to get it (we were celebrating Christmas at my parents' anyways.)
Christmas was great! I got an MP3 Player from my dad, a kitchen set from my mom, Yu-Gi-Oh cards/DVDs from my little sis Prydney, a stuff animal bear from my little sis Trinity, and ..erm.. candy canes from my youngest sis Tabatha (she's broke.)
About that Bear Trinity gave me, it is evil. Mark my words. I named him (yes, him) Bob, and Bob gives me bad glares. Yep, ya wouldn't wanna meet him in a dark alley, would ya?
BUT I can't forget Brandon's gift, can I? A beautiful sapphire necklace!! I was shocked, because I opened his present last. Geez, now I feel bad for getting him some boots.. maybe I'll make it up..
So yeah, that was my all-American mixed with European/American family happy holiday Kurismasu. Yep, I am American and Brandon is too, but then his mom is from London so yeah, you know where I'm going.
NOOOOO! I DON'T WANNA GO BACK TO WORK!!! I have work again tomorrow. Oh great Pikachu lord, help me for I pray to you and offer you my half eaten bread.
Well, I hope all of you guys had a warm Christmas (oh, did I mention the alcohol at the party??) I certainly did.
Many more new wishes to come in the following years. Yes yes, many new wishes.
And I will get to the people who signed my evil-guestbook.. I'm gonna sleep.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
OMG I am for once bored with absolutely nothing (nothing!) to do. Gee, this is a first.
Nothing to do? WTF am I talking about?? I am here typing this.
That guy looks like Yugi. Odd, isn't it? Except Yugi isn't as green... unless I threw him off of my boat of course.
I miss the summer time now.. I miss how is was warm and then I'd go to the beach with my sisters and some friends and then swim and play beach volleyball.
Damn it! We so need a new TV. when I moved out, my parents gave me a TV (said I'd get bored) so they gave me theirs. Pssh, they only tried to get rid of the yami-thing. It never plays right I tell ya. It gets all static when you watch some good show but when you get up to fix the antennae it works just perfectly fine.
It only works for Brandon though. I guess the TV knows how to pick sides.

MY MARIK PLUSHIE!! Well, soon to be:
Oh, and I forgot.... Muahaha!! Lipstick!!!
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
Meh heh heh
It's kind of weird because I am the eldest of 4.
Weirdness also has it that the other 2 have joined myotaku.
Me, age 24
Trinity, age 17
Prydney, age 15
And the last, little Tabby (Tabatha) age 12 (too bad she hasn't joined yet..)
So I'm gonna tape my Yu-Gi-Oh because I have an extra day (or hour) of work today. See ya guys.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
My Dramatic Day
Muahaha!! Lipstick!!
Pheh, that's my quote. I am a middle-aged (actually, I'm only 24.. erm.. or was it 25.. shit I forgot) woman and I act like a teenager, huh?
You know what they say, "Parents influence their kids".
Does that mean that my parents were.. psychotic?
Today, I ate chocolate cake. Actually, I'm eating it right now. Mmmmm, chocolate..... *_*
10 more shopping days until Christmas! I saw a few presents down there, under the one and only Christmas Tree. Oooh! And one is labled to me!
Okay, so I use to peek at the presents, but this year, I'm keeping myself from doing that. Go me.
Today's weather: sunny and warm. I always feel the need to curl up and sleep whenever it's warm like that.
And I know I still gotta go to the people who signed my guestbook's sites, I'm just too lazy though.
Where the heck do you guys get those avatars with the words flashing and animated goodies?
Fuck you smokers. I hate smokers, they stink and are killing this world (seriously, how the hell am I suppose to rule in a polluted world?) I kicked a guy smoking today. (Brandon's brother.) I think he's quitting.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
The Usual
Muahahaha!!! Lipstick!!!
I just got my movie from NetFlix, I will be watching X-Men 2.
Loni-ster has 2 Slifers.. I have Ra and Obelisk..
I know you people have signed my guestbook, but I am too lazy to go reply. ACK! Can't I just PM you? Meh, I shall reply..erm.. soon.
Yes, I just had some alcohol (one cup). I was at a friend's birthday party. It was fun. Yep. Had cake too, and also watched a guy vomit.
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Monday, December 13, 2004
Christmas Break
I was asked to Brandon's friend's new house and all that except we were already late, plus I wasn't paying attention to the time, so I had to get off the internet and such.
Dude, his house has spiders! Yeah, a person like me wouldn't be afraid of spiders.. which I'm not put they just look creepy, and make me shudder.
What is your favorite Egyptian God card? I currently own an Obelisk the Tormentor, and Winged Dragon of Ra. (Go me!) Heh heh, Loni-ster got me on this topic.. oooohhh, Egyptian Gods..
I ordered some stuff off of HotTopic. I swear they have the must-get stuff everytime!
Since my husband works at Wal-Mart (not just any Wal-Mart.. Wal-mart SUPERCENTER!!) I get a discount. And because I am cheap (yes, I admit it), your presents will be from there!! Muahaha! So don't be surprised if you kitchenware break when they are microwaved!! Muahahaha!!
I am psycho. Yes, I know.
Also, some kid tried to steal a Shonen Jump (Psh.. come on! It's a SHONEN JUMP!) And it was the anniversary edition. He only meant to get the Yu-Gi-Oh card inside, so those executives talked to his parents blah blah blah and then also found that he had Yu-gi-Oh cards!! He stoled them! Tsk, they threw it away!! What the fuck??!!
Now next time, I will tell Brandon to save them for me.
Yes, I am also greedy.
Who knows why I named my subject Christmas Break.. it sounded good, that's all.
Yes, I am weird.
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
Nasty weather stuff
I just found out that my little sis Prydney joined myotaku.
So yesterday Pryd-ster (That's my nickname for her) and I went to the mall. She got shoes and I got a Trigun DVD, plus a BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON PLUSHIE!!!
I have to got right now. I will try and update again. I'm going to -
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
I see how it is........
So if you guys stop coming then I just won't update or get online.
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Freezing cold!!!
It is amazingly cold where I am living. I guess that's how it is if you have a house. I turned the heat on a while ago so it should be warming up by now.
Work was boring today. there wasn't as many customers as there were during the summer days. the only people you see come in are those people for birthday cakes. Besides those people and those looking for direction, no one else lately.
I am bored. Nothing better than talking to you guys, except I only get 2 or 3 comments on every post. Come on!! you guys gotta do better than that!
I am bored.. oh wait, I already mentioned that.
I wanna snuggle up next to my husband Brandon right now........ but too bad he's at work.
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Monday, December 6, 2004
Got Milk?
Got Milk? Heh, I love that commercial, where Santa comes down the chimney to deliver presents, eats the cookies, and then finds out they don't have any milk left.. he then steals the whole fricken' tree.
I went to the mall to get some shoes today (actually, I get my shoes at Payless because I'm cheap, back off.) As usual, every Christmas season, they have kids crowded in the mall ready to get a picture with Santa.
My fricken' arm is fricken' aching because I had to put up the fricken' Christmas lights and now I'm fricken' pissed. Yes, this is a very fricken' sentence, isn't it fricken' weird? (Now when I talk like this it means I'm lacking sleep.)
Also, as usual, it rained. I did get something spiffy at the mall though; A DARK MAGICIAN PLUSHIE!!! Yep. Now i just need Yami, Bakura, and Marik.
Well, I hope ya'all had a great weekend. I know mine was fricken'.
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