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myOtaku.com: A Demon Girl

Sunday, June 5, 2005

School is FINALLY out!!! I heard my new teacher does not believe in tests or exams. He always give out threats. And he lets everyone talk when he's talking!!! As long as we hear him.

Just telling you, Im a kid. A junior student. Grade 4.


Just think about it! Im gonna be older which means i'm gonna have to learn harder things! And at the end of every school year, we do something like amercian idol!!! But instead of singing, we have to lip sing and dance! I might be a girl, but I dont dance!

Yesterday, June 29th, was my last day. The grade 5s and 6s had to dance in a group. It turns out, the best dancer was a guy! A lot guys pretty much hate dancing, right? I know my brother does. He's in grade 8. Anyways, that guy's name is Aryton. My best friend's brother. Wow! He was so funny! The music was in 9 different lauguages! It seems like he knows all of them. Well, I have to dance at the end of the school year! And trust me, I'm not good.

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