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myOtaku.com: a lonely fellow

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Guestbook Entries:

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ss4gotenks (07/22/05)

cool site come see mine adding you as a freind

fairygirl101 (07/22/05)

u write poetry?I do too pm me one of ur poems and I'll pm u one of mine I LOVE FRUITS BASKET (mostly cause of kyo-kun)BYE
remember life is only wt u make it

Wraith Skyline (07/16/05)

thank you for signing my gb, your site is cool, bye

AyaKagami (07/10/05)

I like ur site!Ur avatar is so funny!

Judgment Angel (07/09/05)

WOW!big bro..u have a nice site!!!!its awsum

Veda (07/08/05)

i'm bored.so i'll sign ur gb.

joshman (07/08/05)

i am crazzy


*if you dont look at me i might go away*

*sanity is for the weak*

yokokyou (07/06/05)

HIYAS!coo site love the icon (that's one of my fav furuba scenes...besides the hotsprings)i hope u don't mind if i add u as a friend!!stop by my site some time kay??^__^ ja ne!!

Omyasaka (07/04/05)

Hya! I see you like Fruits Basket. So do I^_^I really like your site. I hope that you come and see mine sometime. Oh, and can we be friends?

Kyo krazy (07/04/05)

Hi! I'm KK! ^_^ thax for visiting my site! I'm adding you so PM me sometime. I'll Cya!!!


P.S Kyo's dang hot!!! Your pic's awsome!!!

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