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myOtaku.com: a lonely fellow

Friday, July 1, 2005

the party was splitted up by a strange vortex of doom called:strange vortex of doom.

genis:i cant beleive i got stuck with this stupid idiot.....
zelos:dont say that!your just jealous cause i have a pretty face,a pretty body,and pretty-
sheena:~puts a card thingy on zelos' mouth~shut up
genis:hmm...where did i come from?
zelos:I'LL TELL YA WHERE I CAME FROM!i came from-
sheena:he came from ebay cause his real mother hated him so his other mother put him on ebay again and then his sister bought him so she can be near the chosen.
zelos and sheena:~turns to stone~
lloyd:...why am i the shrunken one?I WANNA FIND COLETTE!!
genis:...hey!we're at a lake
zelos:maybe colette turned into a turtle...why dont i feed you to her so she can come out.~grabs lloyd and puts him over the water~
lloyd:~wriggles around~HEY LET GO OF ME YOU SONNOVA-
sheena:hey look!theres presea!
genis:(why is she always butting into people's sentences?)

hmmmm....thats all i got for now


genis:~looks on ebay in laptop~
zelos:did we even have electronic devices at this time?
~a pencil appears in the scene and erases the laptop~
genis:HEEEY!i was gonna sell my clothes on ebay so i can be free in the wild like tarzan!how dare you!!
sheena:ooooh daring....
presea:~appears behind genis~because that is the editor's job
genis:~mouth opens wide and falls to the ground and screams~
lloyd:cant you just say hi like a normal person?
presea:im not normal....i came from ebay.
genis:HEY!SO DID I!coool
zelos:why are people coming from ebay??
colette:~flies over everybody on a flying flower~HEEY EVERYBODY!!!!
colette:~hits a huge boulder~
zelos:~hears a voice in head~
a voice~help coleeeette.....you must heeelp heeeer....
lloyd:me dufus!!
colette:~slides down boulder~ow,ow,ow,ow....
lloyd:~starts ringing~
presea:its his ringtone.....
genis:WAIT!so lloyd's a cellphone now!!?
genis:s-someone should just anser it....
zelos:no way i dont wanna touch it its creepy
sheena:~picks up lloyd pushes him on the stomache and puts it on ear~yes hello?right.yes.i understand thank you good bye.~clicks lloyd's face~
genis:so who was it?
sheena:oh it was the wrong number
genis:then why didnt you just hang up?

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