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School Person
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3. I'm obsessed with it. My thoughts are only in animation now I'm so fucked up.
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Helling, KH, Naruto(kinda), Angel Sanctuary, Love Hina, Absolute Boyfriend, Chobits, Vampire Doll, Beyblades, Negima, DeaTh NoTe
Modeling- Lolita or whatever I can get, Actress, or Porn
Computer and Talking, Plus, Alone time. You can also find me playing Poke'mon games
... Wow... I'm really NOT all that talented
| A Non-follower
Saturday, November 4, 2006
Click. Corn. Spook.
I missed all of you! (It feels like forevuh since I've posted) ^^; I've been busy. Yeah. This year is eveyone's year of problems- am I right? I've been having lots of thoughts of suicide lately because my life purpose is gone. To reassure you, I'm not gonna kill myself. I have certain beliefs. I recently cut my arm with a butter knife to see what the pain felt like. I didn't like it one bit so I'm- duh- not trying it again. Yeah, when we feel sad, we don't care if we feel truckloads of physical pain because we are so blinded by it with all the emotional pain... I think? (Guess based on exp.)

Now, on to the main subject; I actually invited someone over to my house. ^^ This is kinda big because I haven't invited anyone over to my home since the beginning of middle school. -Yep! Long time! "Spooky" wanted to come over so she came 2 weeks later- (we planned out the day and we waited for two weeks.) It was pretty cool. We picked her up and me and my mom felt pwn3d. Her house is really big and it had pictures of nude people in the living room. My house is 3 stories, but it's still cozy. It took a while to get mum back in the car because she loved Spook's house. We did and we rented Click. The we went over to the scary movie section and said, "Pick out whatever, Spookith." "Ho jee! Really?" She said with exitement. She grabbed Children of the Corn. When we went home, my dog was being a donkey and barking at her nonstop. i felt bad for Spooky because Buffy, (our dumb dog,) yapped everytime she sensed Spook a room away. Finally, Buffy became friends with Spook. Then, we watched Click. All my stupid step siblings that came over for teh weekend took the couches so Spooky and I took the side of the couch, crammed by the vent and eye to eye with the tv. When the guy died in ClickI tried really REALLUH hard not to cry, but I did. I can't watch movies about life. I giggled, thinking I was a douche for crying, but Spooky asked me if I was crying, and I said yes, but I saw that the iron-strong Spooky was crying as well. We sobbed and sobbed and gave girl hugs, still clinging on to eachother, sobbing. My family was laughing at us. "You guys are crying over a dumb Adam Sandler movie?!?! Weak! Hahahaha!! >3" -_- It was sad!!!! *sniffles* Then, around 10 @ night, we put in Children of the Corn. Jessica, mi step sis, she wanted to watch it with us- we couldn't say no because she was whining too much and it got to mum. Me and Spooky shared the tiny couch, while meanie Jessica took the big couch. We were crammed. We ganged up on Jessica during teh first ten minutes of the movie to get the big couch and we won. *proud* *shows muscles* *none* Oh. >u< Heh. Everytime we saw corn or it said corn on teh movie, we laughed. corn!!! Corn would be teh perfect leader of teh Children of teh Corn! corn iz so evil! XD And teh Malakai kid, me and Spooky said he was cool. Jessica was all, " No he's not! He's killing everyone!11!1eleven!!" Then we said, "Shut up, nutmunch! He is to cool!" "Except for his overbite," Spooky added. "Yeah," I agreed. The movie was a good movie and it wasn't scary at all. Jessica was all scared though. Nicky, mi other step sis, took teh top bunk of mi bed (Nicky has to sleep in my room because there's like, 5 of them, and they all can't sleep in teh same room.) I said to Spooky that she can still have the bottom bunk. (I have a fear of bunk beds so I sleep on a rug on teh floor.) She said naw. She ended up sharing the corner with me and we slept on teh rug. We were floor buddies. (That sounds dirty. >_>) It wasn't dirty though. She's like, mi second best friend! No one came on to anyone! We're not like that! No! No! No! *waves hands* But it ws cool. I'm an only child so 28 outof 30 days of teh month I'm lonely. It was a dream come true finally having someone to talk to @ night. Yeah.

I've been addicted to RPG's lately. I can't get my head out of runescape. @_@ I also like Adventure Quest but mum's computor doesn't have macromedia flash so I can't go on it @ her house. I've been reading .hack too. It's good, but mi freiend has teh last mangas of it and said it gets really shitty and the ending is horrifyingly horrble.

I'm sicking of people liking me too. I'm also sick of being called "Teh Goth Chick." Homosapiens are sooooooo steriotypical. *rolls eyes* I'm a flesh-bucket Soul Container that thrives on making people happy. That's what I am. Also known as: Y'know, the school bus used to be a safe place where I could listen to my CD player... it's all changed now. Little 6 and 7th and whatever else graders are asking me out left and right. They won't leave me alone! I never get to sit alone on teh bus anymore, which just sucks. I think they like me because of what I wear. I hope that's not it. I'm not changing what I wear because guys and a few girls are having hormone troubles with how goth I look. I'm not goth and no way I'm going out with anyone who asks. You need to reserve your heart for one person people!!!!!1! *crosses arms* *sweat drop* I kinda found a person, but there's a story behind that so I really haven't found anyone. Hmm... *thinks* But... some people do look drasticly hotter when they wear eyeliner. Owell... my advice: Don't like people because of sterotypes, and don't go out with everyone who asks. *thinks* Still strange how the darker teh clothes are, the hotter they are... (in my opinion.) Feh. Leave me a comment!=3
This is what I got when I typed in Goth:

And these are what I got when I typed in Emo:

What are your opinions about the Goth/Emo label and people?
this iz A Non-follower,
who shall someday go to a moshpit,
signing off
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