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I think I got lost some where between reality and fantasy.....
Member Since
I'mma freshman =D
Real Name
Alexandria (I go by Alex though)
I made the top five of the 8th grade class AND I passed the math class's placement test with perfect scores!
Anime Fan Since
pokemon came out.
Favorite Anime
I don't have a fav anime. There are to many good ones. I do have two fav manga though. Skip Beat and Hunter X Hunter rock!
To make top five the first two years of high school. If I can do that then I'm going to aim for Valedictorian.
Hanging out with friends (mostly at school), Reading manga, listening to my music, myspace and sitting on here ^^
getting all homework done on time even if i didn't do it until last possible second
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Thursday, May 8, 2008
La la la la
Well I finally got around to adding the MyOtaku Banner. It looks so cool. I was going to add it sooner but I always had something else come up (getting to into a post or something. Lol, people write some interesting stuff.)
*sigh* I don't know why but I suddenly love this one song from Shiny Toy Guns called We Are Pilots. I don't even like them that much........
*yawns*... *freaks out* Dude!!! I do not wanna go to school tomorrow! I have to dissect a baby pig in science >.< SO GROSS! *shudders* I would much rather go to the doctor and get the shots I need instead of doing that. And I hate needles so... yeah... I don't wanna cut into a poor baby animal dead or not >.<
And what's worse? My friend "zombie" keeps talking about how she wants to mess around with the organs and stuff and watch blood squirt out and... Bleh *_* I hate when she goes into detail about crap like that. It's so nasty. And It only makes me want to participate less......
I mean I have nothing against stuff like that (gory, bloody anime is one of the best kinds out there) BUT I don't want anything to do with it first hand.
*sigh*....... My second closest friend on myspace was on earlier I wonder where he went...........
Oh yeah!!! Lol, I love that song Distance from Hikaru Utada. It's so cute >.<
Well I'm gonna go now. Bye bye ^^
1. What's the grossest thing the school has required you to do?
2. Shonen (boy manga/anime) or shojo (the girly stuff), which is better?
3. Ever been to an anime/comic book convention?
4. What's you favorite/current favorite Japanese band?
My answers:
1. Nothing compares to tomorrow's assignment >.>
2.Shonen is way better although there are some ok shojo
3.I've been to three =D and they were all very fun.
4.Antic Cafe and Hikaru Utada
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Tuesday, May 6, 2008
So bored.....
And lonely... I hate myspace lately. No one is ever on. I'm so glad for my friends on here ^^ *hugs you guys*
I'm thinking up David the jerk. Just to see what happens... What do you guys think I should do?
Oh and I am telling my myspace buddy that I like him next time I talk to him since I don't know how much I'll be seeing him after that. He's rarely ever on anymore. I hope he gets on soon........
Lol, I'm gonna get Eyeshield 21 volume 1 but not any time soon. I only have enough for one new manga and I wanna get Skip*Beat volume 12.
I got to meet new people from the high school today ^^ A few seniors and juniors came to explain the mentor system (pretty much the welcoming group for the freshman) to us. It was cool. Lol, to bad I'm not in Keel's (the Social Studies teacher's) homeroom. He had an anime fangirl in his class.
They played a bunch of games to put us out of our comfort zone and it didn't really do much to me... or at least I thought that at the time. Thinking about it now I'm realizing that when I'm nervous (I guess...) I work harder to impress. Is that weird? Cuz the whole time they were there I kept trying to participate as much as possible... Oh well.
1. What's your favorite class/subject (not including art and music)?
2. What do you do when your nervous?
3. What website do you hate yet visit often?
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Monday, May 5, 2008
Bleh >.
Well I'm very close to being fully better. Sadly there is a high chance I may catch whatever bug it was again >.< I hate that. I hope I don't get sick again. I mean, honestly, at least 7 other people had it around the same time I caught it. And more are catching on. *sigh* Stupid bugs...
Bleh.... I hate myspace so much right now. Every time I've developed a major crush on someone it's been on there. And every time I crush on someone on there it turns out that they are complete jerks or they disappear once I start crushing on them... It's always something. *sigh* If it wasn't for the fact that I have people I talk to on there (the messaging system is much easier on there then it is on here) I'd delete it. Sadly I can't >.>
I can't believe there's only three weeks of school left... I'm going to miss all these dorks I go to school with, lol. I have one friend... well sorta friend that I'm going to get a copy of Eyeshield 21 for as a goodbye present. He is madly in love with Football, lol. Maybe by getting him into manga he'd stop dogging on me for my "strange" hobby.
I'm gonna miss him though... He's so different from the rest of the guys I go to school with. Like, for being a jock and everything, he's a total sweetheart. He's polite and mature and stuff. Lol, compared to the people he hangs around he's probably the smartest guy in the group too. What's weird about him is, he knows he's popular and stuff but he doesn't acknowledge it. I mean, he puts himself down for EVERYTHING. A missed goal at the game? He blames himself even if he had nothing to do with it. He asks a question in class? He immediately gives up because he thinks he's a loser for having to ask. Lol, I swear for being the kinda guy he is, you'd think he'd have some confidence but nooooo.
Lol, as weird as it sounds, I'm gonna miss the class perv too. He's so nasty but very funny all at the same time.
hmmm.... I wonder what high school will be like. I know I'll probably fit in in the clubs and stuff (the anime club is a must as far as after school stuff goes) but the people themselves may be nothing like the ones here are. I mean yeah I'll see people who used to go to school with me and stuff but... our school is small so there'll be a LOT of newbies. I hope everything will stay the same as it is here and I'll get along with everyone. Lol, I don't wanna end up one of the losers that eat lunch by themselves everyday (not that they're losers but... yeah, you know what I mean... I hope...).
.... Lol, I wonder if I'll "meet" anybody there too. I mean, I've had so many jokes cracked about me never having a BF till Heck Freezes over that it isn't funny >.< I mean, even my mom, my own MOM, cracks jokes about me. *sigh* It's pretty bad when your own parents pick on you about stuff like that...
Lol, I wonder what my first BF will be like..... Well I'm gonna go ponder that. Good night ^^
I feel like a question...
1. Have you ever had a BF/GF? (Me: Nope >.>)
2. What's the longest manga series you've followed? (Me: Hunter X Hunter, currently at volume 20)
3. If you could live in any anime/video game world what world would you choose? (me: as much as I love the FF series and the worlds there, I'd have to go with HXH. Pika is so cute >.<)
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Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hunter X Hunter volume 20 and Skip*Beat volume 12 come out Tuesday!!!
I can't wait till my mom has time off so I can get Skip*Beat. I should have mail ordered it instead of buying D. Gray-man volume 6 last time I was in town >.< Now I have to wait to see what happens with that TV shoot. Poor Ren, I think he was still sick at the end of volume 11.... Idk though I haven't read it in a while...
I saw Cloverfield and 27 Dresses yesterday. Love them both. Well actually I just liked Cloverfield. It reminded me to much of Godzilla which, technically, it was based off of but whatever. 27 Dresses was SOOOOOO Cute though. I cried at the end. The last time I cried for a movie was when I saw Densha Otoko: Train Man (which I'm still waiting to get again >.<).... I think.... wait which did I watch last Train Man or In The Land Of Women? I cried for both, I just don't remember which I saw last, lol.
Oh I saw Death Note last night too. I swear, I hate the dub so much. I can't stand the V.A. choices for the characters. I was surprised by Mello's voice though. He's probably the only one with a voice close to anything I imagined the voices to sound like. The Japanese version sounds so much better >.<
OMG! I saw Code Geass too!!! I was so excited to see that one. I loved it. To bad I missed episode 1. *Sigh* I guess that's the bad thing about not watching TV ever. You don't know what's on till the annoying little person in the phone tells you, lol.
I have this one myspace friend that has my number, he wouldn't be quiet at all last night. He called me like three times and sat on the phone till, like, midnight >.< Dude, he's cool and all but living in the city like he does you'd think he'd have something better to do then sit on the phone with me all night. Oh well ^^ He told me Code Geass was on (actually he asked me a good four or five times how to pronounce it and when he tried saying it I realized what he was talking about) so I'm not mad at him.
I wanna go to Saboten-con so bad >.< To bad I wouldn't have a ride. Oh well I'll just wait for the next anime con to come around. Maybe my mom can take time off for it....
I haven't listened to my Hunter X Hunter CD in such a long time. Lol, it's so entertaining to listen to.
Well I'm gonna go and check my myspace now. Bye bye peoples.
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Friday, May 2, 2008
Well if it isn't obvious that I DIDN'T go then...
yeah, I didn't. Lol. Doesn't bother me though. I'm glad I felt like crap when I woke up from my little pre-trip nap. I didn't really wanna go anyways, I just had every one bothering me to go so... yeah.
Anyways ^^ I got 27 Dresses!!! I can't wait to watch it. I wanna see Maid Of Honor too. If anyone goes and watches it you gotta tell me how it went =D
Lol, I can't wait to see how the trip went for everyone ^^ It'll be fun to hear all their stories. I'm not a big amusement park fan so I'd probably find myself as the whiner if I went >.> I hate hearing that I was just a downer on everyones party. Then again, I hate getting the complaint that "It was SO dull cuz you weren't there. You should have gone." I know I'll be getting a few of those. I mean I had three just from missing the morning bus yesterday.
I'm gonna go look at wedding dresses now, lol. It's not like I have anything better to do with my time. Oh and I feel a ton better today ^^ Figures that I get better the day everyone is gone but whatever <.< My lucks always been like that so... yeah ^^ bye.
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Thursday, May 1, 2008
Well I'm feeling better then yesterday although not much. I hope I can hold off whatever bug I have until after the trip. Which I'm going to ^^ Lol, I wanna flaunt my new anime shirts which came today ^^ I was SO happy to get them. Especially the Samurai 7 shirt. I LOVED that series so much while it was on tv.
Lol, I think that was the first anime that I cried for besides pokemon (yeah you know that one episode where pikachu was going to leave ash to be with the other pikachus? It was depressing >.>). Like, when Hiachi was killed I was so sad. I loved his character. Him and Katshiro. And Kyuzo.
Well I should go finish packing to go. And hope I don't get any sicker. Oh, and to anyone else that is sick (Rayven and Keri) I hope you guys feel better soon ^^
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Well today blows =(
I came down with something, like, just as school let out and if I don' get better by tomorrow I can't go on the trip. I hate today >.<
I swear, it's been forever since I've been sick, why did my body have to turn on me and chose today, of all days, to catch a bug? *sigh* I just need to hope my body likes me enough to let the bug go.
And to make today even worse I got online hoping to listen to An Cafe's Nyappy In The World and what happened? It won't load all the way V.V I sat on my whole time yesterday loading it so I can listen to it and when I shut my computer off it erased my progress on the song. I hate dial-up so flipping much! almost as much as being sick....
Well I guess I'll go reload it then go read my book. Bye >.>........
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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Tee hee ^^
Well my day has been made cuz I learned I made someone else's day ^^ thanks Koon.
Today was ok. I learned I got an A on my model for science and according to the teacher possibly and A on my paper so I'm good. No longer worried about that. Now I need to focus on that test *shivers* for his class and I'm set for the rest of the school year.
Math is way easier to study for as far as test review goes. I'm not worried about that test at all. Even though it's coming up in the next week or two. Lol, I have one friend that is dead set n the fact that she'll flunk the test even though she has a better grade then me in there. I don't get her at all.
*sigh* well this is quite a fix isn't it? I think a friend of mine on myspace likes me. Sadly I only like him as a friend. I don't think I've ever been in this fix before. I mean I'm normally the one crushing not being crushed on.
Oh well I'll figure it out eventually.
Well I'm gonna go listen to an Cafe. Bye ^^
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Monday, April 28, 2008
Only a few more days...
Till our big class trip to Cali. It's most likely going to be fun but I'm worried about that fire near LA. And the weather. I hope it isn't too bad. Last time I went to Cali the temperature was perfect and it was breezy but it was cloudy >.<
Oh and my science paper is turning into a scary nightmare. I'm pretty much done with it BUT... I'm having a hard time finishing it off and editing it. *Sigh* I hate that class so much...
And myspace is becoming SO lonely. I hardly ever talk to my crush/friend anymore and the other people I talk to often don't really have anything to talk about anymore. Blah, I hope something happens soon and the internet boom comes back.
Let's see what else......... Hmmm.... Yeah well today was very boring. Three of our teachers were out. One's been out for a while (my reading teacher who had her baby ^^ She's coming back Monday btw. I'm so happy =D Our sub in that class is evil >.<) but the other's... idk, it's weird. They keep disappearing.
Oh and I added more music to my playlist. I love Japanese music, lol. I'm probably going to drop my Beck music. I have all those on my Ipod anyways, I don't need them on here.
Well, I guess I'll trow down a pic or two and leave. Bye ^^

My current J-pop obsession, An Cafe
Oh and I almost forgot ^^ Happy birthday Koon!

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Sunday, April 27, 2008
I Love this song and vid.
Maple Gunman
An cafe is quickly turning into a new fav Japanese Band...
Oh and Romantica? I did say I didn't listen to MUCH J-rock, I didn't say I didn't listen to any though, lol. Maximum the Hormone has been a fav group for a while.
OMG!!! Has anyone seen that there's going to be a Bleach special movie showing in June and Death Note showing next month?!
~~~NCM Fathom and Viz Media present Bleach the Movie: Memories of Nobody to select movie theatres nationwide for two nights only - June 11th and 12th at 7:30 PM! Adapted from the wildly popular animated series and a best-selling manga series by acclaimed Japanese artist Tite Kubo, Bleach the Movie: Memories of Nobody will make its North American debut in this two-night theatre event including an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the talent behind the characters as well as a first-time ever interview with the director of this highly-anticipated premiere.
Advance purchase tickets will be available from May 2nd through May 8th exclusively to all subscribers of the SHONEN JUMP e-mail newsletter (sign-up is available at Tickets for the general public will be available on and at presenting theatre box offices on May 9th. Seating is Limited - get your tickets EARLY! ~~~
I wanna go Sooooooooo badly >.<
At least to the Bleach one ^
I've already seen the Death Note movies so those don't really matter to me. But the Bleach movie >.< I had to miss the Naruto one I really wanna go to the Bleach one.
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