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Sunday, July 15, 2007

   I just had to share these...
the only thing i like about having wal*mart connect as an internet service is the bulletins they put up when you first log on. today's was especially funny so I'm going to share.

The worst place names in the world:
1.Whakapapa, New Zealand ("wh" sound is pronounced "f.")
2. Fucking, Austria
3. Disappointment, Kentucky
4. Shitterton, Dorset, England
5. Horneytown, North Carolina
6. Middelfart, Denmark
7. Toad Suck, Arkansas
8. Hell, Michigan
9. Hookersville, West Virginia
10. Whiskey Dick Mountain, Washington
11. Cockup, Cumbria, England
12. Bald Knob, Arkansas
13. Spread Eagle, Wisconsin
14. Wetwang, Yorkshire, England
15. Gravesend, Kent, England
16. Thong, Kent, England
17. Titty Hill, Sussex, England
18. Looneyville, Texas
19. Muff, Ireland
20. Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu, New Zealand
21. Twatt, Orkney, Shetland Islands, Scotland
22. Cockburn, Western Australia

according to the article these are the twenty two worst city/town names in the world (and yes they are actual places).

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Saturday, July 7, 2007

   i know, i know
all I've been posting is picture's lately. Oh well, at least I'm posting.

anyway's i'm finally buying that death note manga i've been trying to get for the last month or so :) ... now i just have to wait for it to come in the mail :( I LOVE death note it is so awsome!

well........ here's more pic's i guess

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

   Happy 4th!
Hapy forth of July everyone...... well i guess that's it happy forth

here's a few pictures

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

   why are adults so confusing?
you know how parents always complain "you need to clean you room" when you least want to? well i (for once) wanted to clean earlier and they where complaining and telling that they DIDN'T want me to... does that make any sense at all?

well after i started cleaning (even though they told me not to for some wierd reason) i removed all but a few of my hundred some-odd posters and figures that were covering my walls. I swear my room looks sooooooooooo plain now. I was shocked at how much........ i don't know...feeling the posters added to my room. it went through a total tranformation from totaly awsome obsesive fan's room to something that belongs in my grandma's house.

in addition to making my room way more plain jane, i also added a mini Final Fantasy shrine like thing to it. now a whole corner of my room is dedicated to all things final fantasy.

i can't wait for school to start up again... i just wish all the people from last year (excluding the teachers and my very few friends) would dissapear. the school needs more intelegent people (97.5%of the guys at my school are retarded) and more otaku (just about the only people who like anime are the people i got into it).

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

   new theme again
well i've found a whole new anime favorite (thanks to my totally awsome uncle who has high speed internet).

Death Note is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool. you know Cel I wish i had watched it when you first posted saying how awsome a series it was.

i also love the soundtrack for this series........

for anyone who watches/reads death note who is your favorite character? i adore L i don't know what it is about him but he is so cool.

oh umm...... here are some pics

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seeming how i can't watch the anime i plan on buying the first two volumes of the manga tomorrow. to bad there's only twelve volumes. you would think the series would last longer then that.

well i guess i'll post next time i have something to talk about (this is the absolute most boring, awful, sucky, and whatever other bad describing words there are summer ever). well bye.

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

   HE'S SO CUTE!!!
while picking a new theme I had a hard time chosing between the adorable Hanatarou Yamada (SO CUTE) and Kisuke Urahara (who's totally awsome)... it's kinda obvious who won though so here are some pics.

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Oh and just in case you don't know, both characters are from bleach.

well bye!

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Saturday, June 2, 2007

Alive and Well (kinda)
..... Geez, when was the last time I got on here????? So how is everyone? I've been doing good.

Let's see, life updates...

i made a new friend online that i've been talking to a lot(not on here unfotunetly). He's cool. He's into anime, likes reading, likes video games, likes final fantasy, and he's also just as lazy as i am.

i also just got back from the vacation from heck (would use a diff, more discriptive word but i would get in deep for cursing at home). i swear it was the worst vacation ever. i got sun burnt really bad and now i think i'm catching a cold. (We went to san diego for a week and sat around the beach and sea world the whole time.) And if i wasn't complaining about how badly i wanted to go home ( i didn't even really want to go) i was arguing with my sister or mom about something or other.

i bought vol 3 and 4 of skip beat (the only shojo manga i actually like reading) and a few of those toy bandai has (the ones that you put together yourself) from the bleach and naruto figure sets (i got shikamaru from the naruto set, and orahime and uryo *i'm almost posotive i misspelled both names* from the bleach sets).

i got staight A's on my report card and one reward from every subject other then sports (including citizenship and top studnt).

let's see..... finally an eight grader (whoo-hoo).

and i'm...... out of things to say..... well bye.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

   School Sucks!
I hate having to write partner reports. All the idiots try to work with me because they know I nine out of ten times get a good grade on them then they sit there and do NOTHING! I swear I hate people like that... I mean I have no problem writing the report for lazy people like that but they can at least get notes or something.................

Ok better now. Hey, has any one heard of the Numa Numa song before? It's such a wierd song. I think it's by a group called O-Zone. . It's an awsome song.

I finally got Mar Vol. 13 today... It was thinner then the first twelve though... and it moved to fast. Only what two or three more volumes until Ginta takes down Phantom and returns home (or at least I hope that's how it ends)? I can't wait to read them.

What is Flame of Recca about? It's by the same guy who wrote/drew Mar so I was thinking about reading it.

I ramble too much.....

well I guess I'll stop rambling now... BYE!

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   My Uncle is SO cool!
My uncle was recently down to visit (no clue where he lives anymore moves around to much) and bought me both bleach games for the DS (import versions though... I get to add in dialouge YAY!) and Elite Beat Agents. Elite Beat Agents is such a weird game. I also got to download a few Hunter X Hunter songs recently and that's been pretty much all I've been listening too.

I also gots the new pokemon game... I was surprised. This game wasn't the EXACT same thing as all the others.

........... Well I need to go get ready for school... poohy... only 2 weeks and 2 days left (not counting today) YAY!

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Sunday, May 6, 2007

   soooooooooooooooo bored!
let's see i think the most productive thing i've done today (i've been on since, like, 8 am) was take the survay in hopes of winning 20 buck to spend on amazon.
if anyone wants to talk i'm open. i have absolutely nothing to do and i'm probably going to be on for another hour or so. well bye...

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