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I think I got lost some where between reality and fantasy.....
Member Since
I'mma freshman =D
Real Name
Alexandria (I go by Alex though)
I made the top five of the 8th grade class AND I passed the math class's placement test with perfect scores!
Anime Fan Since
pokemon came out.
Favorite Anime
I don't have a fav anime. There are to many good ones. I do have two fav manga though. Skip Beat and Hunter X Hunter rock!
To make top five the first two years of high school. If I can do that then I'm going to aim for Valedictorian.
Hanging out with friends (mostly at school), Reading manga, listening to my music, myspace and sitting on here ^^
getting all homework done on time even if i didn't do it until last possible second
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
tee heee good days, good days.
Two days of school left AND my crush/friend is coming back to myspace soon AND I'm getting the An Cafe CD ^^ My week is turning out to be pretty darn good.
Lol, and no, romantica, I don't ask and receive and I don't have a job. I have to beg a lot of the time to get stuff I want. If begging doesn't work then I have to use the money I make off of good grades. Lol, thank goodness I make as good of grades as I do (Which I made an A+ in science =D), I'd be without a LOT of my stuff if not. Like in the last two weeks I've had to fish out around 40 bucks for my CDs that I've been buying. Lol, it'd have been 60 if I wasn't getting the first one as a promotion present.
I'm happy happy ^^ I'm passing science (as I said up there) ^^ and library ^^ And probably PE! Tee Hee ^^ I'm soooooo glad ^^
Omg! I get to skip out of the top five students speech too =D I'm so glad I got a choice. It was either say the pledge or do the speech ^^ I hate saying the pledge but hey ^^ it's helping.
I can't wait to talk to my mysapce buddy again. it's been so long..... I miss him >.>
Oh, hey what happened last season on The Bachelor? The kept mentioning some guy named Brad last night (Nothing better on so I watched The Bachelorette). It was confusing.........
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Monday, May 19, 2008
I'm still all achy from those stairs at the ball game. And now to add onto those aches and pains I have a sore arm. Stupid doctor lady >.> Drew blood and did something. It didn't hurt this bad last time I got blood drawn.
Oh well at least going to the stupid doctor lady kept me from school. I was happy about that. schools always boring the last week. We never do anything...
*yawns* I can't believe friday is the last day of school. I'm looking forward to high school but this year went by so fast...
I got me some new anime while I was in town ^^ Well, not new but I haven't seen two of them so they're new to me. I got, X (a Clamp movie), Trigun vol. 1, and the Yu-Gi-Oh movie. Lol, it's been so long since I've seen the Yu-Gi-Oh movie. A couple of years at least...
I can't wait till my CDs get here >.< That's the only thing I hate about mail ordering stuff. The wait is a pain in the butt. Especially when you really want it. I wish Atomic Comics carried a bigger selection of j-pop singers. They only carry the big names like Gackt, Moi Dix Mois, Ayumi Hamasaki... I don't really listen to any of them though >.> *sigh* To bad we don't have any specialty shops here that just carry Asian music. That'd be so cool. Oh well... I'll have to live with ebay for now...
I wonder what I got on my final report card. I hope I got straight A's again. That'd be nice. I probably went down in PE though >.> I hate that class so much. Lol, and I think it hates me right back. The teachers are both cool but, bleh, that class sucks.
I probably dropped in science too. That's another crap class. I adore the teacher, he's great. The class sucks though. I almost hate science more then PE.
.............. Omg =D I found a copy of Gokutama Rock Cafe on ebay! I love ebay so much right now, lol. They didn't have any copies last time I looked. ^^ I wonder if I can get mom to let me buy it. I mean she let me get Magnya Carta and the two Mika Nakashima CDs. Tee hee ^^ I can't wait till 2 when I get to ask her (she's sleeping right now sadly so I can't ask now >.>).
Gokutama Rock Cafe has Cherry Saku Yuuki on it ^^ Lol, I love that song. Not as much as Maple Gunman (My reason for buying Magnya Carta) but I love that song. It's music vid is pretty cool too.
Lol, I had my mom listen to a few of An Cafe's songs yesterday and she said I was weird for liking Japanese music. Nothing new though, she's always calling me weird. At least she supports my hobbies to an extent ^^ Some people's (such as my friend steph) parents, if they find a hobby weird, will criticize it until the kid hates them or gives up on the hobby.
Hmmm... I wonder how much it'll be after shipping ad tax are added in.... probably the same as Magnya Carta.... Darn that means I'll be short another 20 bucks >.> Me and my expensive hobbies *sigh* oh well. Lol, at least I'm helping foreign economy right? Wait it's us going into a recession.... Bleh, oh well. I'm helping something so =P
Well I'm going to see what songs I recognize of the track list while I wait for 2 to roll around. Bye ^^
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Sunday, May 18, 2008
Well let's put it this way, the only thing I could ever possibly find to hate about free concerts is that they always end late. Well actually any concert but yeah...
I went and watched the D-Backs game (we lost 2/3 to the Detroit Tigers btw) and then the Trace Adkins concert afterwards.
I was surprised. I'm not to big of a sports fan but the game was a LOT of fun. Not half as much fun as the post game concert but it was fun. Lol, there was this wave that was started around the 7th or 8th inning that kept going for a good 5 or 6 rounds. Lots of fun.
I think the only thing I didn't like (besides the ending time for the concert) was the seats. We had the........ third to last row? Either third or second to last row on the VERY VERY VERY top. Have you ever noticed how the stairs steepen the higher up you are? It's torture going up and down them stairs let me tell you. Especially when you aren't particularly fit. My poor legs, they hurt so badly after the second trip up....
I want to go to the Rascal Flatts concert in October. They are probably my favorite country group ever. >.< I hope I can talk my mom into taking me. It's on a Saturday so there is a chance *crosses fingers* I'll need to hope for the best huh?
......... Does anyone know what the whole "Make wish at 11:11" thing is all about? I know the wishing upon a shooting star, I know about the wishing on the first star of the night, I know the wishing with the birthday candles... I don't get the 11:11 one though... *shrugs* whatever. I gave it a try tonight, lol. Lets see if it works huh?
Oh, dude! Hobos scare me.... actually a lot of people in downtown Phoenix that weren't at the game scared me. Well the people that were at the game and the people working at the Hard Rock Cafe. They were cool. Everyone else though... *shivers* Bleh, scary people.
A hobo walked into Burger King while we were in there, my goodness did that man stink. The lady working there went through with a bottle of disinfectant and air freshener after he left. I feel so bad for the people who have to put up with them there. It must suck... I feel bad for the hobos too but... man to I pity the people around them.
Well it's, like, midnight so I'm gonna get off and go to bed now. Nighty night ^^
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Friday, May 16, 2008
Gah!!! O.o
I want an antic cafe CD so badly >.< I don't know which to get though. The cheapest I've found so far has been Magnya Carta, their third CD. It has Maple Gunman on it so I'd be happy with it but... idk... I want another one I guess. I wonder if I can find a cheap copy of their other CDs too. I know ebay doesn't have any >.> I wonder if amazon would......
*does a quick search of amazon for each CD*......
.... *sigh* nothing... only CD to come up was Magnya Carta and the one on ebay is cheaper. I guess I'll go with that.
Lol, Bou is such a pretty guy. Him and Teruki are my favorites members on Antic Cafe.
To bad Animecastle doesn't carry Antic Cafe. That'd be so cool if they did. I wonder if that site Romantica uses would have them... I'll have to look there before I buy. Don't want to miss the chance to be cheap, lol.
Actually... Animecastle doesn't carry any of my favorite Japanese singers/groups.... or well they do but not my current favs. Like they don't have Antic Cafe, they don't carry Mika Nakashima, they don't have any Maximum the Hormone (then again I can't find them anywhere >.>)... They need to widen their selection.
Oh yeah, we started the practice for promotion. very boring *yawns* I wish it was like normal were we don't need to come in all fancy and stuff. They did say it was informal. I mean I can see them wanting us to not be a little zoo like normal but still, this is kinda stupid.... Bleh, whatever.
I miss my friend on myspace. It's been such a long time since I've talked to him. And it's kinda weird, I think my other close guy friend on there likes me o.o It's weird. I'm not used to being crushed on....... *shivers* I'm not used to being liked OR called princess. It's so weird....
Well I'm gonna go CD hunt. Nighty night.
I found 2 Mika Nakashima CDs and I'm getting the ebay Magnya Carta ^^ I'm so happy!
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Thursday, May 15, 2008
Oh yeah!!!
I made top student ^^ Or... well I'm one of the five top students. Still super proud of myself though. I reached my 8th grade goal =D Now I'm going to aim bigger and try for valedictorian in high school. Dream big and go far right? Actually aiming for val. is probably a bit TO big to dream huh? Maybe I'll try for top five again. If I can keep in the top five range for the first two years then I'll try for val. I mean, I need to keep my dreams realistic. there's a good couple thousand students at union. I can only compete so much for top of the class.
Any advice from my high school friends on here? I'm sure I'll need some... well besides "don't get lost" (all the freshmen going on sophomores I know tell me this. The school is BIG) and "keep your grades up". I hear those two all the time as it is....
I hope we have the Algebra 1-2 exit exams soon. I don't want to have to take them next year. That'll suck big time, I mean I couldn't remember anything from last year at the beginning of this year. What makes them think next year will be any different?
Well I need to finish my report on the AZ state flag for reading so I'll post tomorrow or something.
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008
La la la ^^
Well today was good. I didn't have to do anything with the pig again. Just watch. I'm so glad I have the future doctor and future funeral directer in my group. They don't ask me to do much but take notes.
I do have a pain in the butt test coming up though. Actually three of them. Our social studies teacher is giving us a surprise finals exam. I'm glad I kept my notes from the beginning of the year, I'd be doomed like some in my class otherwise. A lot of the time people throw the notes out after that section is over >.> I know I did last year.
Oh, I beat Angeal on FFVII:CC =D I'm SO HAPPY!!! It took me forever to find the materia to use but I did it. ^^ I'm so happy with myself. Now I'm building up using the missions so I can go after Hollender. He's a big fat pain in the butt >.< I wish someone (Sephy would be a nice choice... or maybe Tseug) would pop up outta no where and kill him already. I keep waiting for it to happen but Nooooo, they want me to find and apprehend him. Such a stupid job >.>
Bleh and math is beginning to turn into a pain too. She's starting to speed up just as my brain is giving out. I'm not keeping up as well anymore >.< I wish my brain didn't slow down as break comes but it always does.....
Well I need to go read over then next two lessons in my math book AND do my math homework AND study for my SS test so I'll see ya'll later. Have a good evening.
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Monday, May 12, 2008
*hey Juliet....*
Lol, I love that song *is singing along while posting*. I remember when I used to listen to it on the.... Disney channel >.>.... <.< all the time..... ^^' yeah I was a total dork like thing when I was little, lol. Still for being a boy band song it's still fairly good.
Lol, I should have complained sooner about not getting HXH. I complained about it yesterday and it came in the mail while I was a the doctors. Started reading it... still no Pika sadly. I wonder when he'll come back. Him and Leorio. Lol, I miss Leorio too.
Bleh... well I don't really have anything to say so I'm gonna go now..... Oh yeah did you guys see that the PM system is back up on MyO? That so awesome ^^
Well bye ^^
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Sunday, May 11, 2008
Cherry saku Yuuki - An Cafe.
I was watching this and felt like posting it. They have such random vids....
Cherry Saku Yuuki!!
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Lazy, lazy =P
Lol, I was having a lazy streak friday and didn't do the dishes so I didn't get to go on yesterday. I would have posted other wise.
I'm so happy =D I finally got Skip*Beat vol. 12 ^^.......... Grrrr, stupid Barnes >.> I wish they'd send me HXH vol. 20 already. I want it >.<
Anyways, I started flipping through Skip Beat on the way home from the mother's day dinner we went to and saw some interesting scenes. Especially one that spanned a couple pages.... it was a very awkward looking scene. Lol, Can't wait to read it. The plot has been thickening the last couple of volumes and I'm pretty sure it's starting to boil ^^ I wonder when Kyoko will begin to realize Ren is falling for her......
Geez she's so clueless, lol. I mean, he hints at it a lot in vol. 11. Never directly to her (he told hinted at it to the chicken costume she wears and stuff) but he hints at it and she never catches on. Or at least she doesn't seem too.... I wonder what goes on in that head of hers.... *sigh* I wonder if she even cares what Sho does too. She almost never mentions him anymore. Lol, he is being torn up over the fact that Kyoko is working on a show with Ren but Kyoko kinda stopped caring it seems. It's weird.
Lol, this sorta reminds me of a less boring version of a soap opera...
Well I mostly got on to say this so...

Happy Mother's Day to everyone's mom's ^^ Hope everyone had a great day.
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Friday, May 9, 2008
The worst is far from over, DUN DUN DUN!!!
Lmao. Ok yeah well today's science wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be. Luckily we're doing all the really nasty icky stuff Monday (opening the head to look at the brain and stuff D=). I'm so glad my mom set my doctors appointment for Monday. ^^' I get to miss the icky nastiness.
I wonder what it'll be like... I haven't been to the doctors office since 01' so I have no clue what they'll say. Probably that I have high blood pressure and need to lose weight still >.> That's what they said last time.
*yawns* I wish school was over already. There's only 13 days left till the last day of school but it feels like an eternity.........
^^ I have finally picked back up Crisis Core. I love that game. Well besides the fact that I still can't beat Angeal >.> That's what the phoenix down is for though right?
I'm probably going to "chance" build up some more tonight then try Angeal again at the doctors. I hate the leveling up system in a way. Like, it's cool and all but you have this thing almost like a slot machine in the corner of the screen during battles that if you hit all 7s you level up. It's fun but it's gay all at the same time. I actually kinda miss the very boring original level up system.
Lol, the old system is why I've never beaten an FF game before. I was too lazy to fight for experience points.
Well I'm gonna go hunt down Myspace users. Bye bye ^^
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