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myOtaku.com: a wit 2

Saturday, April 14, 2007

   ToDaY ROcKEd!!!!!!!!
Let's see... Me and Evil Waffle went to the mall today (I'm finally getting her to buy stuff like manga) and I found this awsome Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter) knecklace and keychain at Atomic Comics. I LOVE IT! I think I finally found something to replace my Kingdom Hearts knecklace I bought a while back and wear everyday.

I also Preordered Hunter X Hunter Vol. 14 at Barnes & Nobles. I can't wait till it gets here it is going to be great. Gon and Killua are finally getting into Greed Island (a game that you need a special power to play). I can't wait to read it.

In other news... AIMs Testing is now over... and we have one full week of non-uniform. AWsOmE! That was our main reason of going to the mall... clothes shopping (something I wouldn't usually do...) I got this Bleach Shirt at Hot Topic and I almost Bought the shirt with the NERV logo on it. Unfortunatly between the Kurapika knecklace, Hunter X Hunter Vol. 14, and Bleach shirt I had no mony left.

Has anyone heard of This show called Ninja Warrior on G4 (a video game Channel). I LoVe that Show.

Pics from HXH!

(Main Characters)

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(My Favorite Minor Characters)

Nobunaga (I like his name more then I like him)
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Feitan (I don't really know why I like this guy but I do...)
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(I swear this was the worst possible pic to post of this guy but it was the only one I could find)

Hisoka (He is the coolest clown I have ever seen)
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