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myOtaku.com: a wit 2

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

School out of school, not smart?
well I've finally decided to bust out with the learning japanese books/CDs again... And so far it isn't going as well as i had hoped it would... oh well.I doubt i'll be going to japan any time soon so not too much to worry about.

Let's see in other school news... My teachers suck... Why? because they all got together and decided that the last three weeks were perfect for piling work on us. I have one teacher theat wants us to write a one or two page story about a person being granted a wish. not that hard right? wroooooooong way wrong. i've had this stupid writers block for like a year and writing fiction was already hard for me (I'm really picky about hat goes on in my stories). I think the last time i wrote something i was less then half way finished at 23 pages (before writers block). Then i have another teacher (Hoff the science teacher) who wants a Reprot on global warming. now that is way easy, i love studing global warming. that is probably one of the few sience things that actually interests me. And then our Spelling teacher wants us to write a report on an explorer. That wouldn't be so bad if she hadn't have stuck me with this lazy and annoying partner.

I watched train_man again today. i swear i find something new every time i watch that movie. this time i noticed that i have one of the capsule figures that train man drops in the begining of the movie. the one pink haired chick that athren was going to marry from Gundam seed... oh what was her name?....... oh well.

well i need to start working on me papers. BYE!

1. when do you guys get out of school
i get out may 25.
2. do you know japanese?
3. do your teachers all gang up and drop reports at the same time or do they drop them on after another?
mine like ganging up on us.

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