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I think I got lost some where between reality and fantasy.....
Member Since
I'mma freshman =D
Real Name
Alexandria (I go by Alex though)
I made the top five of the 8th grade class AND I passed the math class's placement test with perfect scores!
Anime Fan Since
pokemon came out.
Favorite Anime
I don't have a fav anime. There are to many good ones. I do have two fav manga though. Skip Beat and Hunter X Hunter rock!
To make top five the first two years of high school. If I can do that then I'm going to aim for Valedictorian.
Hanging out with friends (mostly at school), Reading manga, listening to my music, myspace and sitting on here ^^
getting all homework done on time even if i didn't do it until last possible second
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Oh goodness do I hate PE! The PE teacher is EVIL!!!!! We had to run that mile again and my legs HURT REALLY BAD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, I don't hate ALL loud people, just a vast majority of the ones from my school. It's like that constant buzzing sound flies make, you hear it all the time and every time you finally get it to go away it comes back really quick. It sorta makes you wanna strangle the people making the noise, ya know?
Test again tomorrow in Science... -_- I hate that class SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! Ugh, I don't think I'm gonna do good on this test. I suck at science and I really suck at cells and genetics (that's why I bombed the last test). Maybe I'll look over the notes a few times tonight and then again during the bus ride, breakfast, and lunch tomorrow. I can't fail this test... I can only take test over two more times for the rest of the year, I can't waste the two retakes on cells! GRRRRRR!!!! I hate you Hoff!!!!!!!
We also had a pop quiz in social studies ^^ So glad I can remember stuff in there (why doesn't this method work in science?!!?!!?!). I only missed two out of the whole quiz. I would have missed one but I took forever answering question 10 so I couldn't finish my answer before he took up the papers...
I think I finally sorted out how I feel towards all the people I (think/thought) like. Let's see...
The guy I've been talking a lot about lately... love him but as a friend. I doubt there's ever going to more then that with him.
My myspace crush (haven't mentioned him in forever)... I dislike him greatly. Ever since I told him I'd rather him be just a friend, as in I didn't have a crush on him at the time, he started ignoring me completely. I'm probably gonna delete him later (what's the point of keeping someone on your friends list that doesn't talk to you?)
What else happened today.. We started a new section on Anne Frank (blah...), I found someone who'll burn me a copy of their Styx cd (Me So Happy ^^), I didn't get homework for math again (haven't had homework for her class in almost a week now), I was able to finish my lab for science AND do it correctly this time (Happier still).
Yeah other then PE today went fairly well.
So how was every one else's day?
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