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• Asian_Princess337
• 1993-12-23
• I think I got lost some where between reality and fantasy.....
Member Since
• 2006-08-26
• I'mma freshman =D
Real Name
• Alexandria (I go by Alex though)
• I made the top five of the 8th grade class AND I passed the math class's placement test with perfect scores!
Anime Fan Since
• pokemon came out.
Favorite Anime
• I don't have a fav anime. There are to many good ones. I do have two fav manga though. Skip Beat and Hunter X Hunter rock!
• To make top five the first two years of high school. If I can do that then I'm going to aim for Valedictorian.
• Hanging out with friends (mostly at school), Reading manga, listening to my music, myspace and sitting on here ^^
• getting all homework done on time even if i didn't do it until last possible second
Monday, May 19, 2008
I'm still all achy from those stairs at the ball game. And now to add onto those aches and pains I have a sore arm. Stupid doctor lady >.> Drew blood and did something. It didn't hurt this bad last time I got blood drawn.
Oh well at least going to the stupid doctor lady kept me from school. I was happy about that. schools always boring the last week. We never do anything...
*yawns* I can't believe friday is the last day of school. I'm looking forward to high school but this year went by so fast...
I got me some new anime while I was in town ^^ Well, not new but I haven't seen two of them so they're new to me. I got, X (a Clamp movie), Trigun vol. 1, and the Yu-Gi-Oh movie. Lol, it's been so long since I've seen the Yu-Gi-Oh movie. A couple of years at least...
I can't wait till my CDs get here >.< That's the only thing I hate about mail ordering stuff. The wait is a pain in the butt. Especially when you really want it. I wish Atomic Comics carried a bigger selection of j-pop singers. They only carry the big names like Gackt, Moi Dix Mois, Ayumi Hamasaki... I don't really listen to any of them though >.> *sigh* To bad we don't have any specialty shops here that just carry Asian music. That'd be so cool. Oh well... I'll have to live with ebay for now...
I wonder what I got on my final report card. I hope I got straight A's again. That'd be nice. I probably went down in PE though >.> I hate that class so much. Lol, and I think it hates me right back. The teachers are both cool but, bleh, that class sucks.
I probably dropped in science too. That's another crap class. I adore the teacher, he's great. The class sucks though. I almost hate science more then PE.
.............. Omg =D I found a copy of Gokutama Rock Cafe on ebay! I love ebay so much right now, lol. They didn't have any copies last time I looked. ^^ I wonder if I can get mom to let me buy it. I mean she let me get Magnya Carta and the two Mika Nakashima CDs. Tee hee ^^ I can't wait till 2 when I get to ask her (she's sleeping right now sadly so I can't ask now >.>).
Gokutama Rock Cafe has Cherry Saku Yuuki on it ^^ Lol, I love that song. Not as much as Maple Gunman (My reason for buying Magnya Carta) but I love that song. It's music vid is pretty cool too.
Lol, I had my mom listen to a few of An Cafe's songs yesterday and she said I was weird for liking Japanese music. Nothing new though, she's always calling me weird. At least she supports my hobbies to an extent ^^ Some people's (such as my friend steph) parents, if they find a hobby weird, will criticize it until the kid hates them or gives up on the hobby.
Hmmm... I wonder how much it'll be after shipping ad tax are added in.... probably the same as Magnya Carta.... Darn that means I'll be short another 20 bucks >.> Me and my expensive hobbies *sigh* oh well. Lol, at least I'm helping foreign economy right? Wait it's us going into a recession.... Bleh, oh well. I'm helping something so =P
Well I'm going to see what songs I recognize of the track list while I wait for 2 to roll around. Bye ^^
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