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• Asian_Princess337
• 1993-12-23
• I think I got lost some where between reality and fantasy.....
Member Since
• 2006-08-26
• I'mma freshman =D
Real Name
• Alexandria (I go by Alex though)
• I made the top five of the 8th grade class AND I passed the math class's placement test with perfect scores!
Anime Fan Since
• pokemon came out.
Favorite Anime
• I don't have a fav anime. There are to many good ones. I do have two fav manga though. Skip Beat and Hunter X Hunter rock!
• To make top five the first two years of high school. If I can do that then I'm going to aim for Valedictorian.
• Hanging out with friends (mostly at school), Reading manga, listening to my music, myspace and sitting on here ^^
• getting all homework done on time even if i didn't do it until last possible second
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
What exactly is "dating"? I'd like to know what exactly makes a person your BF/GF too but I'll wait until after I get the dating thing outta the way first.
And what is it with today??? Is today, like, annoy Alex with weird questions day or something? I keep having people calling Mike my "boyfriend" and asking me if we're going out. *shakes head* Even my parents are starting their crap up about it.
I mean we're just friends last I checked. Yeah I hang out with him all the time and yeah I asked him if he wanted to watch a movie with me, my mom, and my sister but that's not like I'm asking him on a date or anything.... or would that count?????
*rakes hand through hair* I'm confused....... >.< This is why I didn't wanna start dating or anything right now. I don't have the slightest clue as to what to do.
And yes I am aware that only seeing each other at school and going to a movie once is NOT dating but I don't even know what to do with the (almost) rumors going around... and my parents really don't help any. You'd think they'd be the ones to be normal about me having guy friends but NOOOO they are worse then the people at school. I mean at least the people at school only ask if we're a couple or not but my parents, no they can't be even that civil. They sit there going at it about how I have a "boyfriend" and how I'm going on a "date" this weekend.
*shakes head* My dad was even going so far as to tell me this:
"Aren't you happy? You're net even a freshman yet and you'll already have a boyfriend and you'll be dating..."
*sigh* Honestly, you'd think they'd be more mature about it. They are adults after all. But nope, they are acting like little school kids spreading stupid rumors just to embarrass others.
Lol, speaking about people not being to mature and me liking Mike and all... I should have known better then to expect much of him. I mean, he is a guy after all. Lol, we were all asking each other questions yesterday afternoon before class let out and one of my questions to him was what type of person he'd want to date/marry? What do you think he answered? A super model, or someone hot. I mean honestly? What is it with guys not caring about anything but looks during their teen years?
Then today he was asking me if I'd honestly date/marry someone ugly (I got mad at him after he said that and went off on him about how looks didn't matter) and... yeah... I said I would and he gave me this weird look and asked me if looks really didn't mean anything to me.
Like, they don't but they do all at once. If I'm happy with someone who isn't to great looking (I mean Mike isn't the best looking guy in the planet but he isn't ugly or anything) or even ugly then why should I try to be with some totally gorgeous guy who I don't like that much? Or even if I do like that gorgeous person who says they don't have rotten personalities and will cheat? I'd rather be with someone I know will love me for me, not my looks and such and I want to be able to feel the same towards a guy. Does that seem to weird?
And, I may not really like what Mike said but I still like him... in a way... gah >.< Idk how I feel towards him anymore. Actually, I don't think I ever really knew how I felt. I mean I know there is a small crush but I don't know if I like him like him. >.> Yeah I'mma go now, I'm confusing myself.
Bleach is tomorrow =D Can't wait, I'll give the details about the premier.... hopefully tomorrow.
Good night ^^
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