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myOtaku.com: a wit 2

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

   today was so boring...
let's see what happened today... ummm... i made enemys with this girl at school (actually she made enemies with me by trying to start a rumor about me), i had a really easy math test, and...... i guess that's about it.

YAY three more days till anime-fest. i might even be able to talk my non-otaku friend into coming with, meaning i can bug her for three days with my (as she puts it) consistent rambling about hot cartoon guys and books.

(can you believe i found these at the school site? i was really surprised)

I Felt a Funeral in My Brain
by Emily Dickinson

I Felt a funeral in my brain,
And mourners, to and fro,
Kept treading, treading, till it seemed
That sense was breaking through.

And when they all were seated,
A service like a drum
Kept beating, beating, till I thought
My mind was going numb.

And then I heard them lift a box,
And creak across my soul
With those same boots of lead, again.
Then space began to toll

As all the heavens were a bell, --
And Being but an ear,
And I and silence some strange race,
Wrecked, solitary, here.

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