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.....watching anime.....
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alpha beta
I have not missed an episod of Full metal Alchemist EVER!!!
Anime Fan Since
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Full Metal Alchemist, YYH, Shaman King, Fruits Basket, and Naruto, not in order
To rule the universe
gazing at masuta, playing the trumpet, gazing at my bishonen, listening to music (fallout boys, linkon park, eminem, animated music, etc), watching FMA, watching anime, and talking on the phone!
Talents to remember anime facts more then anything else...........
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
little harsh..
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cool quote
?u r darkness. And darkness is often misunderstood? I just saw that on teen titans, and it was awesome! I prefer yyh, ygo, and inuyasha, but tt is awesome. I like raven (who the quote is about) the best, b/c she is similar to me. I m dark, and also misunderstood.
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Friday, October 8, 2004
hello peoples!
im back, and better then ever! i found this song on a website, and its a yyh song! its so awesome :)
I Can Hear a Whistle
I can hear a whistling farther than yesterday
I collect the scattered pieces
I hold them tightly in my right hand, and softly close my eyes
Knife-like moonlight rains down
On a night that freezes even the horizon
Alone in the wilderness, hugging my knee
I strain to hear the song of the wind
Those who do not know a sleepless night
Cannot become strong; that is the rule
I can hear whistling farther than the stars and the skies
Its the words of someone's prayer
I hold them tightly in my right hand, and softly close my eyes
A thing that's sadder than lonliness
Is not realizing that lonliness
No matter how freezing the night, under the earth
Warmth is hidden
Rather than being a bird that is trapped in a cage
I would become a nameless stone
I can hear a whistling farther than yesterday
I collect the scattered pieces
And holding them tight in my right hand, I solftly close my eyes
I can hear a whistling from a distant yesterday
Its the words of someone's prayer
And holding them tight in my right hand, I softly close my eyes
Holding them tight in my right hand, I softly close my eyes
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
a few things...
first of all, i got a new video game! its called yu yu hakusho spirit files or something. i havent played it yet. im going to as soon as i get offline. a good video game can interest me for quite a while. on pokemon coleseum, i spent about 80 hours. on poemon sapphire, i spent over 200 hours! if yall dont hear from me, im obsessed in the game! i hope i get through it alright.
another thing, this happened a few weeks ago. my friend ben has seen the future of yyh and he played the meanest trick on me the other day. he said that kurama and yoko... ARE GAY!!!!!!! dont worry, i have yet to fully get him back, but i will! how could he! he knows i luv yoko! who doesnt! if he had said hiei was gay, i would have stuck his head on a spike! noone insults my anime crushes and gets away w/ it!( i promised kuramam to my frind Kat
About 10 minutes ago, i told my brother to go to hell in japanese (ek ni naraku) and he started singing about how japanese is gay! how could he? japanese is awesome! i want to learn it! corrently i only know about 30-40 single words, and how to sing and play musically a few inuyasha songs. would any1 like to help me form an angry mob to get my brothen and ben?
i have a marching band competition on Saturday, and ill miss yyh! can any1 tell me what happens? im going to try to get some1 to tape it 4 me, but just in case, can someone help??? thanx
see u guys around!
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wierd quiz...
 Hiei! Whoo you are hiei!! I base you off of the air sign! whoo go air!!
Which Yu Yu Hakusho Character do you most relate to? Not obvious!! With descriptive results![with pics!] brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
ive got a question
my friend asked me this and i thought people could answer; if u spent half the time u do about anime related activities, how well could u play an instrument? (it was from a fellow band member). I said that i could play every single instrument flawlessly.
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Monday, September 27, 2004
notes to self
B4 I forget al of this stuff I wrote on my arm, ill write it here. Brass sectional Tuesday until 5. Free wed and thurs. fri practice at fieldhouse. On Saturday, be there by 12:30. home after 10. give tape to Aurora. No music after school next week. + electronics if responsible. Get cough drops. Hope you guys don?t mind my notes to self.
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
too true
 Winter! You are the calmest of the seasons, that's because you don't let alot of things get to you. You may not have the most friends, but the friends you have are as close to you as your family.
What season were you meant for?(pics coming soon) brought to you by Quizilla
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 Your anime expression is bored!
What's Your Anime Expression? brought to you by Quizilla
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who? i havent seen this far into the show yet!
First appearing as a baby, Hakudoushi has the ability to read other people's hearts and control them. Being cut in two apparently doesn't bother him much, since one half of him transforms into a young boy, who then proceeds to release a horse youkai called Entei. His main purpose seems to be locating the last Shikon no kakera. The other half serves a very useful purpose for Naraku.
Which one of Naraku's depatchments are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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