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.....watching anime.....
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alpha beta
I have not missed an episod of Full metal Alchemist EVER!!!
Anime Fan Since
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Full Metal Alchemist, YYH, Shaman King, Fruits Basket, and Naruto, not in order
To rule the universe
gazing at masuta, playing the trumpet, gazing at my bishonen, listening to music (fallout boys, linkon park, eminem, animated music, etc), watching FMA, watching anime, and talking on the phone!
Talents to remember anime facts more then anything else...........
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
same old same old
 You are Dark, you keep to yourself and that is just how you like it. You can reach goals better with out people interfiering (i realise that is spelt wrong!). You reach your goals with a helpful push or shove from others, but when you get it you are very pleased. You only get out of life what you put in they say!
What Is Your Element? Now With Pics! brought to you by Quizilla
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random quiz........
 By far, the most annoying and most over-used method of Satanism. It's followers blend elements copied from religious Satanism, ceremonial Magic, Wiccan, and other neopagan traditions, goddess worship, various Occult traditions, and any other useful source of rituals the followers may find. It is most commonly found among rebellious teenagers and young adults, generally for a short time. Some look upon Satanism as a method of rebelling against their parents' beliefs. It is usually a passing fad that they quickly outgrow. Satanic Dabblers have no connection with Religious Satanists.
Which form of Satanism suits you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
Fucking crap Hiei is the one obssesed with you though he won't admit it
Which yu yu hakusho boy is obssesed with you brought to you by Quizilla
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sesshomaru is hot
 Your boyfriend is Sesshomaru!
Is your boyfrriend Sesshomaru or Inuyasha? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
umm, what? What Azumanga Daioh Character Are You
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Hello every1! I now have over 100 hits on my site and lots of friends! I cant really come on to the site anymore. Mostly b/c I have honors geometry, honors world history, band in and after school, and art. In art, I can?t even draw people on anime!!! It has 2 b original!!! I only took art so that I could be a better drawer and I cant even draw inuyasha or yyh characters!!! I have way 2 much 2 do 4 a ninth grader!!! Oh well, I hope u guys don?t mind that I haven?t been posting many quizzes lately. I still take them, I just only post the responses or pictures I like. Oh well. Don?t forget to sign my guestbook!
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
i just felt like a quiz... What Tales of Symphonia Character Are You?
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marik is cute!
 Although this relationship will not start out good, it doesn't have to end up on a rocky road. Marik has his crazy altered ego yami side, so u better watch out. You both enjoy freedom and riding on marik's motorcycle so don't let that go to waste!
Who's your yu-gi-oh boyfriend?(great pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
sorry, but i luv harry potter!
You might as well be Ron and Hermione!YOu know the Harry Potter world like the Back of your Hand.
Harry Potter trivia brought to you by Quizilla
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i like sailor venus
 Sailor Venus
Which Inner Scout Are You? (w/Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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