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I have not missed an episod of Full metal Alchemist EVER!!!
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Saturday, July 31, 2004
take these quizzes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Your firey attitude and tought act makes him notice you even more, but everything is twisted now, your were on the brink of taking someone's life in front of his eyes. How shocking! Guess that shield has either gone up or snapped, with this tempermental attitude.
Treasure of The Feudal Era (Part 11) brought to you by Quizilla
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take these quizzes!
 He really likes you, more than you know, and maybe the reason why your falling so fast for each other, could it possibly be because of your destiny?? Stay in tune to find out!!!
Treasure of The Feudal Era (Part 10) brought to you by Quizilla
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same picture, but its still very cute
 He really likes you, and he saved you just barely this time. Well, your upbeat personality and kindness is wearing off on him. Lucky you!
Treasure of The Feudal Era (Part 9) brought to you by Quizilla
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 Okay so you have a lot in common, first of all that stubborness, but you absolutely hated not being in control. So did he, Inuyasha just tried his best, without trying to do damage to your body. What will happen???
Treasure of The Feudal Era (Part 8) brought to you by Quizilla
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;fsmhsdy take these quizes
 Inuyasha really likes you maybe even love you, he's always around to protect you, but some challenge has come between you two again. Surely you two will get it solve, stay in tune!
Treasure of The Feudal Era (Part 7) brought to you by Quizilla
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inuyasha, so cute!!!
 He totally in love with you, and he's knows how to push your buttons either way. Well what more can I say, he's expressing himself to you, he finds you quite interesting, I wouldn't blame him, your perfect for him!
Treasure of The Feudal Era (Part 6) brought to you by Quizilla
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 He totally in love with you, why, is it so fast? Well let's just say your bubbly personality and you tough skill is a hard act to follow, that is what attracts him. Stay in tune for the next one!
Treasure of The Feudal Era (Part 5) brought to you by Quizilla
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pretty pic, take quizzes
 Your a strange one, but still very adorable, you really are in depth with the stars, and the night sky, whenever you get the chance, you enjoy it and he likes to see you in your natural environment.
Treasure of The Feudal Era (Part 4) brought to you by Quizilla
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TAKE THESE QUIZZES, you'll understand
 I see you blushing, when he's kissing you, you have your mind somewhere else. Perhaps the stars? Well, I wouldn't blame you, you can't help it being the demon that you are.
Treasure of The Feudal Era (Part 3) brought to you by Quizilla
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cute pic
 He really likes, you and he feels compelled to do strange things around you. Like kissing you, and being nice, don't know why, well actually I do. Hope you like it!!
Treasure of The Feudal Era (Part 2) brought to you by Quizilla
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