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.....watching anime.....
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I have not missed an episod of Full metal Alchemist EVER!!!
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Full Metal Alchemist, YYH, Shaman King, Fruits Basket, and Naruto, not in order
To rule the universe
gazing at masuta, playing the trumpet, gazing at my bishonen, listening to music (fallout boys, linkon park, eminem, animated music, etc), watching FMA, watching anime, and talking on the phone!
Talents to remember anime facts more then anything else...........
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Friday, March 25, 2005
 You are a Wolf. You strive at home, and often find yourself staring at the moon. Loyal is very important to you, as is your family. Just like the wolf you probably just love to play! Your loyalty and persistance are probably your best quality and you laughter is probably unique!
What Type of Japanese Demon are You? (for girls with pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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 Your heart is Purple...You think differently to everyone else, but it doesnt bother you that much, it does a little bit though. You understand more about life than your friends, but you dont tell them, you are very wise and misunderstood. You also get very lonely...but you still love your friends and love to laugh.
What colour is your heart... brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
u know what i found out???
in fall, i could've made $50
yes $50
and u know what???
i couldv'e made it in less than 3 minutes!
to do a little backtracking, i play the trupmet.
people tell me that i play it very well
even better than the 1 senior trumpet!
u know that song that trumpets play at funerals, aka taps?
u can get payed 4 playing that at a funeral!
i hav known how to play taps since 7th grade!
my band director thought 'oh, she's a freshman, she cant play taps'
i coulda got 50 buks (sobs)
people who make fun of freshman should die a horrible flaming death
ja ne
(abcabcs fuming in a corner b/c of baka people and missing a chance to make $50)
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Sunday, March 13, 2005
 You are Colonel Mustang. You are cool, collected, and seem to like messing with Ed's head a lot...o.O;
Which FullMetal Alchemist Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
 What Overlooked Element Are You? (Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
i think i just missed yyh!
they moved the time or took it offf the air!
it was the first major hiei episode!
and i missed it!
soes anyone know what happened?
i mean to the time or anything!!!
it didn't come on at 930 (EST) like it usually does!
i cant believe i missed it!
i feel so guilty!
how could i miss the episode with lots of hiei action with the Ghostslayer/Shadow sowrd!!!
can some1 tell me what happened!!!!
(extresely upset 4 missing hiei OR him being canceled)
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
1.When u first meet him ask him impossiable questions
2. When at koenmas place run down the hall screaming "HIEIS PREGNAUT"
3.When hes sleeping run down the hall screaming "THE BRITISH R COMING!!!"
4.When hiei is training run to the arena and scream "THE FLYING MONKEYS R ATTACKING!!!"
5.Tell him he needs a hair cut
6.Tell him the jagan eye is gay
7.Tell him hes weak
8.Tell him his dragon attack is weak
9.Tell him kuwabara is stronger then him
10.When hiei is in his room knock on his door every 5 seconds then runaway
11.Tell him u took his sword and lost it
12.Tell him u took yukina for a walk and u lost her
13.Tell hiei u found yukina but she was taken again
14.Tell him u like kuwabara better then him
15.Go into his room when hes not there and paint it pink
16.Barge into his room when hes getting dressed and yell at him for no reason
17.wash all his clothes with bleach then put ur red shirt in the laundry with hieis now white clothes and make his clothes pink
18.When hes in a tree sleeping push him out and yell"HE DID IT!!!"then point to a neardy squirl
19. Whenever hes talking to u say "Huh....wha....what did u say I wasnt listening
20.Whenever he comes over to u sing happy songs!
note, these are not created by me! i just thought they were funny! poor hiei!
Comments (2) |
 OH WOW!!!!!!!!!! you're Hiei! you're the kick ass fighter! you're super fast and can use that cool ass dragon of the darkness flame attack. although... you hide your true feelings and pretend not to care about anyone but yourself... that sounds like *coughinuyashacough*...
The Yu Yu Hakusho Character Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are Hiei.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~More than likely you hide your true feelings from all, even your best friend.You don't let people know, but really you are quite reliant on the company of your friends. You realize that everyone has a struggle in life, and really you are quite sympathetic to all. However your tough shell may not lead all to belive so. You are very intolerant of any fool who thinks life is a 'one man show'. Also you can not stand imbicils, and do not care much for romance.Though you keep a close watch on your longlost sister Yukina. You probably have a low self esteem, and think you may 'cloud others purity'.
Which Yuu Yuu Hakusho Charachter are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, February 25, 2005
long survey-like thing
Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You | Created by LaBelleAmie and taken 8140 times on bzoink! | The Basic Stuff | Name? | Sharon | Age? | 15 | Height? | 5 ft 9 | Weight? | ill never tell | Birthday? | 2-14-90 | Birthplace? | NY | Current Location? | NC | School/Grade? | 9 | Zodiac Sign? | | Chinese Zodiac Sign? | | Righty or Lefty? | the other left | Haircolor? | brown | Eyecolor? | green/blue | Skin Color? | palishly tan | About You | What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)? | mum and sister | Any Pets? | 2 | If So What Are They? | neko | Favorite Relative? | cuzins | Least Favorite Relative? | sister | What's Your Heritage/Race? | white | Political Affilation? | delinquent | Love & Sex | Sexuality? | ??? | Are You In A Relationship Now? | no | If So, With Whom? | Hiei! | For How Long? | | Are You In Love? | w/ hiei | Do You Have A Crush On Anyone? | hiei | Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex? | eww! | How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss? | | Virgin? | yep | If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time? | | Was It Enjoyable? | | What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone? | | Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed? | | Best Love Quote? | | Your Friends | Best? | aurora | How Many Do You Have? | <20 | More Guys Or Girls? | girls | Love Them All? | yup | Any You Wish You Were Closer To? | kinda | Oldest? | ??? | Newest? | ??? | Pen Pal? | no | Friends And Words: Associate Them | Pen | | Flower | | Pink | | Window | | Heart | | Mother | | Bread | | Insane | | Sunglasses | | Pimp | | Cross | | Lonely | | Car | | Music | | This Or That | Boxers or Briefs? | boxers | Thongs or G-Strings? | .......... | Shorts or Pants? | shorts | Shoes or Barefeet? | barefeet | Books or Movies? | books | Night or Day? | night | Dark or Light? | dark | Mountains or Beach? | .....both | Snow or Sun? | Snow | Pepsi or Coke? | Pepsi | Guys or Girls? | both!!! | Swim or Surf? | swim | For or Against | Gay Marriage? | choise | Abortion? | choice | Bush Getting Re-elected? | BUSH SHOULD DIE! | Suicide? | yep!!!! | War? | yep!!!! | Pants? | ??? | Clothes In General? | nothing | Penises? | ...... | Favorites | Color? | purple | Number? | 3 or 666 | Holiday? | ??? | Season? | winter and fall | Movie? | hp | Book? | where the red fern grows | Magazine? | national geographic | Food? | sweet snow | Drink? | water | TV Show? | Yu Yu Hakusho | Song? | lots of favs | Band? | ???Eminem??? | Computer Game? | | Video Game? | | Anime/Manga? | Yu Yu Hakusho | Shirt? | | Pants? | | Actor? | | Actress? | | Singer? | | Flower? | | Scent? | | Animal? | neko | Cookie? | | The Future | Want To Go To College? | NYU | What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? | something | Want To Get Married? | to Hiei | Want To Have Kids? | with Hiei | What Would Their Names Be? | Hiei Jr. | How Many? | ?????? | Where Do You Want To Live? | NY or Nihongo | Where Do You Want To Get Married? | ^^^^^^^^ | How Do You Want To Die? | with or by Hiei | More Stuff About You | Piercings? | no | Tattoos? | no | Smoke? | no | Drink? | no | Do Drugs? | no | Skinny Dip? | no | Greatest Fear? | pink fluffy bunnies | Chocolate or Vanilla? | vanilla | Go To Church? | no | Religion? | no | Scars? | yes | CDs Owned? | not many | Collections? | anime stuff | Like To Be Naked? | no | Ever Eaten Sushi? | no | An Entire Case Of Oreos? | yes | Been On Stage? | yes | Danced In The Rain? | yes | Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex? | no | Weirdest Dream? | ??? | Best Dream? | ??? | Saddest Dream? | ??? | Dream You Most Wish Would Come True? | Hiei-related dreams | Think You're Attractive? | no | Shoplifted? | i'll never tell | Been Caught "Doing Something"? | erm... | Weirdest Makeout Place? | | Like Thunderstorms? | unles the power goes out | Favorite Shoes? | | Favorite Quote? | all hiei quotes | Best Advice Given? | | Worst Advice Given? | | Favorite Song Lyric? | | What Quote Says Most About Your Life? | "life sucks" | Glad This Is Over? | whatever | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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