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.....watching anime.....
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I have not missed an episod of Full metal Alchemist EVER!!!
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Full Metal Alchemist, YYH, Shaman King, Fruits Basket, and Naruto, not in order
To rule the universe
gazing at masuta, playing the trumpet, gazing at my bishonen, listening to music (fallout boys, linkon park, eminem, animated music, etc), watching FMA, watching anime, and talking on the phone!
Talents to remember anime facts more then anything else...........
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Monday, November 8, 2004
Sesshomaru-sama doko ni iru???
 Your soulmate is: SESSHOMARU!!!! tsk tsk, You got InuYasha's brother and enemy! Oh well, He's hot! GO YOU!
Who is your InuYasha Soulmate? (Girls ONLY!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, November 7, 2004
grr band
sorry ive been away again! i had ANOTHER band competition and we got an excellent! woohoo! unfortunately i missed yyh, rk, and rm again! band really suks when it takes away from your anime time!
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
shitoyaka's story
hey people! shitoyaka's trying to publish a book that she wrote! its really good! all u need to do is read a part of it and rate it for her! it would help her alot and its a really great story! she's under my friends! please help her!
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Monday, November 1, 2004
YYH spoiler
"Shinobu! It's me!" Koenma said while staggering in between Yusuke and Sensui. "Shut up Koenma!" Yusuke yelled with his eyes closed in pain and frustration. His bare chest was beaten up and bleeding slightly. "You don't have to!" Koenma said staring at Yusuke with pleading eyes. "Sorry but...YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE, WHAT I HAVE TO DO!" Yusuke yelled at him annoyed. Koenma's eyes widened in surprise. Yusuke closed his eyes, his teeth clenched together and his mouth slightly opened. Then he opened his eyes and smiled looking down at nothing in particular. "I know...we'll win. We are going to beat him, in the end." Yusuke said quietly. Koenma looked at Yusuke like he was crazy. "Yusuke? What on earth are you thinking?" Koenma asked looking at him his face very pale. "I'm thinking I see now. I'm I know I'm close.... to the world's best strategy for kicking ass." Yusuke said smiling still. Sensui watched Yusuke apprehensively. "You're close?" Koenma asked watching his every movement. Yusuke started walking towards Sensui and he started talking again. "And I'm thinking that Sensui's thinking that he knows what I'm thinking, because he usually does. But there's just one thing I don't know. Do you have... the pull off what it is you're thinking, you'd like to do to me." Yusuke said and he smiled wider and lowered his voice. "Or are you scared, you're little destiny is nothing but crap?" Yusuke finished. "Yeah Sensui, destiny breaking's our specialty!" Kuwabara said from inside the monster that was against the cave wall. "I wouldn't get my hopes up." Hiei said from inside the same monster, while watching Yusuke. "Why not?" Kuwabara asked glaring at Hiei. "Yusuke, doesn't have a plan, there's no way he can win!" Hiei said with his teeth clenched and he was shaking slightly. "Hey! Who's side are you on?!" Kuwabara asked annoyed with Hiei's attitude. Kuwabara then realized how Hiei looked right then. Hiei's eyes were wide and his pupils were small. His mouth was slightly open and his face was covered in nervous sweat. *Hiei's a wreck, what's he know that I don't?* Kuwabara thought looking at Hiei's angered/nervous face. "You're senses probably aren't sophisticated enough to know this, but Sensui's energy is currently that of an S class apparition." Hiei completed with one hand in his pocket and the other out and clenched into a fist tightly. "That's a lot right?" Kuwabara asked looking at Hiei. "That's as strong as they get, and I think Sensui's been restraining himself as much as he possibly can. He broke Yusuke's arm with limited power, delicately as if snapping a twig." Kurama said and Kuwabara looked outraged at Kurama. "Shame on you, I still have faith!" Kuwabara yelled at the both of them. Hiei squinted his eyes closed and spoke. "Well that makes sense. Faiths for the fools, but we've all been made fools here. We'd assume we'd triumph." He paused and opened his eyes barely glaring at the floor then he continued. "That we'd be able to kill another arrogant enemy... we were arrogant this time. Sensui will kill us all! I hate being underestimated, but underestimating is the worst! His power's rare, even in Demon World. I never thought I'd see it like this...and to see it manifested in the hands of a crude human being no less!" Hiei said with both his fists in tight clenches. "I get it, he's strong." Kuwabara said stupidly. There was an earth quake and everyone in the monster gasped at the power of energy they were feeling from Shinobu (or sensui).
found it on a quiz. isnt it awesome???
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Sunday, October 31, 2004
its a quiz of Yotama's, awesome!
 Hiei. Yes, the solitary guy who has a vicious attitude. He mainly uses a sword and sometimes his Dragon of the Darkness Flame. He hides behind a mask of anger but he really is a caring person. He cares a lot for his twin ice user Yukina, who doesn't even realize that her long lost brother is right under her nose. I'd be quite honored to be like Hiei, for his anger has earned him quite a reputation and LOTS of respect!
Which YYH Character Are You Most Like? brought to you by Quizilla
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sorry ive been away! stupid band competition! anyway, i missed all of Sat cartoons! Yugioh, Shaman King, RaveMaster, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Ruroni Kenshin! im so sad! well, im gonna try to visit all my friends today, but i have a lot, so i hope i get to all of u!
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Monday, October 25, 2004
report cards
hahahahahha! i's getiing all a's
honors geometry;99
honors world history;98
i so totally rule. and to think im blowing off my homework as always to be online and still make a's.
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
yay!!! i found the perfect costume! its called angel of the night, and it is so cool! it comes with;
1. a black velvet gown with metallic moon and star sleeves
2. Black feather wings3. Black maribou halo headband
4. Velvet choker
*. Black hairdye!
its goth, stylish, and so totally like me, its scary! it looks awesome! trick or treating, here comes abcabcs!
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cool :)
You are Sango. You love the people around you, but hate to get to close, for fear of losing that special someone. You like to be honest and open with your feelings, but be careful who you talk too about it!
Which Inuyasha Character Are You Most Like? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
has any1 seen the cartoonnetwork schedule!!! there cancelling inuyasha on saturdays(which really suks) but there bringing back ruroni kenshin at 10:30! itll be awesome! freckles (rk themesong) rules!
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