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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Not much. Laying wood floors. Blegh. Yet another reason for us to REVOLT!! Seriously. Our lives are gonna suck so bad if we don't.
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Thursday, June 9, 2005

Revolution is Imperative!!
My fellow children, teens, and young adults: we are ascending into a time of peril. The current democratic government has promised the baby boomers all matters sof social security, with their inputs being all too sparce to cover. for the next 30 years, at least, we will be working our fingers to the bone, giving our blood, sweat, and tears, to no avail but to have it stolen from us to give to the overpopulation of adults. For the well being of our future, we MUST revolt. Otherwise, we will work to allow our elders to live in luxury and comfort, while we connot change the situation. Due to our "majority rules" Democratic society, the majority(baby boomers) will neutralize all attempts to reverse policies, even GREATER their gain from us. I suggest a overthrow of our current government, to replace it with a temporary, stricter one. This new government will treat the non-baby boomers with more power in society than baby boomers, or the Oppressors. Succeding the life of the Oppresors, the government will resume nearly as it is today, though with major improvments. Instead of having all citizens as a whole, they will be divided. They will still be equal, but they will be divided into groups based on education, life, and ethnic background. This is not the spawn of some prejudice, but rather a method of improving voting decisions. Ex:Say the majority of the population is Cuban, and you have the population divided into groups. Group I-educated Cubans, and Group II- poorly-educated Cubans, and III-Educated African-americans, etc.... The majority vote inn each group would be the decision of that group, much like state votes in the presidential election. The votes for all the groups would be counted, each having one vote, and the decision would be made. If there were to be a decision in which one choice would better Cubans, and the worsen everyone else, that decision would not go through. Thios would eliminate events such as the current one from reacuring. Our parents and elders have already stolen enough labor and value from our lives, must we let it continue?
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I've made an amazing discovery!!! Contrary to popular belief, not white, but BLACK is the true color of purity. Purity, one would say, is the absence of outside influence, yes? And white is a teeming mass of colors in the spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and everything between them), while black is a comlete lack of these colors. Unaffected by spectral colors, therefore pure in it's simplicity. Only a mind such as mine could think of that: "Every man of genius sees the world at a different angle than his fellows, and there is his tragedy" Havelock Ellis.
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005

I want to know what you guys that visit my site think I look like by my posts. Please draw your own version of me and e-mail it to dantes_torment@yahoo.com. Whoever draws the most accurate one wil get a poem or something dedicated to them, I can't decide what. Y'know what? E-mail me the picture and what you want if you win (please no cash/physical prizes. I'm freakin' broke). Extra points to anyone who draws me with shoulder-length white hair, red iris's, gloves, and a top hat.

There will be a second place prize, as well as a nice word for Mr./Mrs. Third-Place. Please, do respond.

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Thursday, May 26, 2005

No more middle school.... Wow, just, wow.... I've forgotten the summer feeling, and I thought the year went quick.... Lets burn it, the school that is, and all the crap hole teachers in it: Mrs. DeNitto, Mrs. Katz, Mr. Cote...
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Monday, May 23, 2005

Ice Cream Trucks
I've decided ice cream trucks are freakin' scary. They always seem to lurk around your neighborhood with distastful music playing from a poor speaker, so it's kinda like bum breyoowew bum bwreeonum, all wavering and such like an old record player. Than we get to those who DRIVE ice cream trucks, all of them have some kind of brain defect or glass eye drawn on with a Sharpie. Then, they only have one tooth, right in the middle of the front, where those two big ones hsould be, which somehow gives them an accent. They try to sell you, not ice cream, but VHS cassettes... When your just walking down the street, trying to avoid them, they drive up beside you:"Hhhhey little b-boy? Whanna buy some choklit kandy. hHoe boot sum Iksed chkreme, has no shooger, foo karbinhydritz!"

Now tell me, thats not creepy as hell. When you want them around, they speed off away from you cackling and jittering? Then, they use the money to buy broken, less-than-garage-sale-quality tasters that they treat as best buds. shudder.

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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Friday I attended my schools 8th Grade Picnic. They pretty much wanted to compensate for the three years of crap we had to fake our ways through. The first sucky part was that we had to "donate" a mandatory 5 bucks to go. Second, you only got a few slices of pizza and other assorted crap. Then, we had tp attend some slideshow presentation at the end, which I only appeared in twice. Both pictures were from that day, though one was of me doing good at limbo. The DJ guy said "Wow, this guy is good, he must do nothing at home but practice limbo."
FWI (oh, by the way, I won't ever use FWI again in my life)Mr. DJ, Ive never practiced limbo in my life, and I didn't play the game for at least 6 months before the picnic. I suppose I'm just naturally limber that way. But after the presentation, they did a raffle and I got a school coffee mug. Great. Not only did I get the crappiest consollation prize ever, but now, I'll always remember those three years. Gee. Thanks. Thats like giving a 13-year-old, monpoly addict with a 157 IQ a school coffe mug. Oh wait, it is.
Like. Exactly. Anywho, I ate/stole so many various soft/...hard(?) drinks, 2 root beers, a big thing of water , and a generic Mountain Dew to be exact, that I nearly hurled. And I jumped Like 6 feet
I basicly got to miss half of 5th, as well as 6th(History, YES!!) and 7th(Algebra. eh)periods. Thats the only good. My friends and I found playing kick the can (yes, sometimes the oldest games can be the most entertaining. Except that one where you hit the hoop with the stick. I never got that)was more fun than the picnic itsself.

Sorry I haven't updated since forever.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2005

The following is an E-mail that I have just sent to Universal Studios Florida regarding a made up friend I have with a made up name. Anytime you visit the attraction "E.T. the Adventure", considering they take my e-mail to heart, you are welcome to tell the person who gives you the passport things your name is Katooshly-Loogly(the name is compliments of my father).


During my recent visit at your amusement park, I have found that on a certain E.T. The Adventure ride has a computer prior to the outragously long lines(which in itself is highly illlogical, how can a park expect one of its so called esteemed customers wait an hour and a half for an attraction that lasts less than an insignificant 5 minutes?). This computer contains a variety of names programmed into the attraction. The names scanned into cards or"passports", as you refer to them, are recited at the end of the ride when E.T.(though I doubt that Mr. Spielberg meant to have E.T, short for Extra Terrestrial, be the creatures actual name. In the introduction of the ride it even mentions E.T.'s teacher who has an actual name.)thanks you for your help. A friend of mine has an unconventional name, yet it is his name, that was not in the computer. Though this may seem a trivial inconvinience to him in your point of view, Katooshly-Loogly's experience in your park was cut short as he had to get a "passport" with an entirely random name. He felt this meant he had to flux his name, as well as his religion since it is a religious name, in order to be accepted by "%$#! fat cats sittin' on their piles of money they rip off of the common people". One of your computer operators, after the warning that neither she could spell the name nor would it be in the computer, would not issue his correct name to the card.

I feel it should be demanded that you enter this name, as well as its phonetic recital, into your attraction. Otherwise you are stating that if you have certain names, you cannot reap the full and due comfort and enjoyment from his favorite ride, spare the despicable conspiricy he feels being held against his people. He plans upon returning within the course of a few weeks and I coarsly demand you permit his "fair share of fun".


Oh What fun.

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Sunday, May 1, 2005

Am I the only one out there whho would mathematically define the distance of a pace proportinal to the pacer for kicks? Unfortunately, some of my friends don't share my obsessions, especially when I rant on about them in Yahoo Messanger. I told one of my friends to walk 19.376 paces,and they replied with, "Can you walk 0.376 paces?"."Of course, the distance of a pace is not constant, like that of a foot or meter, but proportinal to the legs of the one pacing." Lets assume that the average person walks a pace with an angle of 30 degrees between their legs, as well as each foot being 75 degrees to the ground. This froms an icocesles triangle(assuming both legs are the same length) between the two legs(l), and the distance on the groud between them, of stride(s). The formula goes as follows(my computer is retarded so V=square root and {2}=squared:
1/3[V(l{2})2]=s. Yeah, It looks kind of random and complictated. lts start with the brackets. Now pythagorus says that on a 90 degree angle, the sum of the squares of the legs are equal to the square of the hypotenuse, for all those for which math is not your forte, |_ these two sides(legs), when they are multiplied by themselves and and then the new values are addedar equal to \ this part, when multipled by itself; a{2}+b{2}=c{2}. Say for the moment that instead of a 30 degree stride, a pace is 90 degrees. The ground being the hypotenuse, both a and b in this case(literally legs) are the same value: the length of a leg, or l. That means we can substitute l for both a and b:l{2}+l{2}=c{2}. This can be simplified further to 2(l{2})=c{2}. Treating this like an equation we can find the square root of 2(l{2}) and elimanate the sqaure on the opposite side:
V2(l{2})=c. But alas, an average pace is not 90, but 30 degrees. If we multiply both sides by ¨÷, than the equation becomes true for 30 degrees(1/3 of 90 is 30). This leaves us with 1/30[V(l{2})2]=1/3c. Say that value s is equal to 1/3c. This means 1/3[V(l{2})2]=s. Thus, we arrive at our original formula, despite the fact it should makee sense with actual mathematical symbols and such. Math is so fun, considering I'm the only one who'll understand geometry next year. Seriously, Andrew, send me that 1=2 equation.

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Thursday, April 28, 2005

   I hate it when people say "I wouldn't do that if I were you", or "If I was in your shoes I'd...", or staements of the like. If you were me, you would have been predisposed to the same experiences I have, including those that affect this particular situation. Even if you said, "If I was in this situation...", you would have performed the exact same actions that I had. This means that you wouyld be i the same mindset as I, under the same pressure and so forth. This evidence illuminated, either way you would end up doing the same as I have/planned to. It is totally illogical to say otherwise.

Am I the only one that these philisophical things come to easily? A friend of mine showed me he made one equal two, but I believe I found a glitch (unfortunately I cannot remember it). I also found the Jay character mentioned earlier in the life of my site has not any genetial organs, but an eighteen inch finger in his crotch. He's going to whip it out on the last day of school and tickle me with it. +shudder+

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