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myOtaku.com: abyss of despair

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Friday I attended my schools 8th Grade Picnic. They pretty much wanted to compensate for the three years of crap we had to fake our ways through. The first sucky part was that we had to "donate" a mandatory 5 bucks to go. Second, you only got a few slices of pizza and other assorted crap. Then, we had tp attend some slideshow presentation at the end, which I only appeared in twice. Both pictures were from that day, though one was of me doing good at limbo. The DJ guy said "Wow, this guy is good, he must do nothing at home but practice limbo."
FWI (oh, by the way, I won't ever use FWI again in my life)Mr. DJ, Ive never practiced limbo in my life, and I didn't play the game for at least 6 months before the picnic. I suppose I'm just naturally limber that way. But after the presentation, they did a raffle and I got a school coffee mug. Great. Not only did I get the crappiest consollation prize ever, but now, I'll always remember those three years. Gee. Thanks. Thats like giving a 13-year-old, monpoly addict with a 157 IQ a school coffe mug. Oh wait, it is.
Like. Exactly. Anywho, I ate/stole so many various soft/...hard(?) drinks, 2 root beers, a big thing of water , and a generic Mountain Dew to be exact, that I nearly hurled. And I jumped Like 6 feet
I basicly got to miss half of 5th, as well as 6th(History, YES!!) and 7th(Algebra. eh)periods. Thats the only good. My friends and I found playing kick the can (yes, sometimes the oldest games can be the most entertaining. Except that one where you hit the hoop with the stick. I never got that)was more fun than the picnic itsself.

Sorry I haven't updated since forever.

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