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myOtaku.com: abyss of despair

Monday, May 23, 2005

Ice Cream Trucks
I've decided ice cream trucks are freakin' scary. They always seem to lurk around your neighborhood with distastful music playing from a poor speaker, so it's kinda like bum breyoowew bum bwreeonum, all wavering and such like an old record player. Than we get to those who DRIVE ice cream trucks, all of them have some kind of brain defect or glass eye drawn on with a Sharpie. Then, they only have one tooth, right in the middle of the front, where those two big ones hsould be, which somehow gives them an accent. They try to sell you, not ice cream, but VHS cassettes... When your just walking down the street, trying to avoid them, they drive up beside you:"Hhhhey little b-boy? Whanna buy some choklit kandy. hHoe boot sum Iksed chkreme, has no shooger, foo karbinhydritz!"

Now tell me, thats not creepy as hell. When you want them around, they speed off away from you cackling and jittering? Then, they use the money to buy broken, less-than-garage-sale-quality tasters that they treat as best buds. shudder.

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