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myOtaku.com: abyss of despair

Thursday, June 9, 2005

Revolution is Imperative!!
My fellow children, teens, and young adults: we are ascending into a time of peril. The current democratic government has promised the baby boomers all matters sof social security, with their inputs being all too sparce to cover. for the next 30 years, at least, we will be working our fingers to the bone, giving our blood, sweat, and tears, to no avail but to have it stolen from us to give to the overpopulation of adults. For the well being of our future, we MUST revolt. Otherwise, we will work to allow our elders to live in luxury and comfort, while we connot change the situation. Due to our "majority rules" Democratic society, the majority(baby boomers) will neutralize all attempts to reverse policies, even GREATER their gain from us. I suggest a overthrow of our current government, to replace it with a temporary, stricter one. This new government will treat the non-baby boomers with more power in society than baby boomers, or the Oppressors. Succeding the life of the Oppresors, the government will resume nearly as it is today, though with major improvments. Instead of having all citizens as a whole, they will be divided. They will still be equal, but they will be divided into groups based on education, life, and ethnic background. This is not the spawn of some prejudice, but rather a method of improving voting decisions. Ex:Say the majority of the population is Cuban, and you have the population divided into groups. Group I-educated Cubans, and Group II- poorly-educated Cubans, and III-Educated African-americans, etc.... The majority vote inn each group would be the decision of that group, much like state votes in the presidential election. The votes for all the groups would be counted, each having one vote, and the decision would be made. If there were to be a decision in which one choice would better Cubans, and the worsen everyone else, that decision would not go through. Thios would eliminate events such as the current one from reacuring. Our parents and elders have already stolen enough labor and value from our lives, must we let it continue?

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