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myOtaku.com: abyss of despair

Monday, July 4, 2005

Next Sunday, the 10th, i'm gonna leave on a plane to Panama, and I won't be back until August 2nd. I apologize, but I simply will not be here to update. Understand that I will probably write a long one when I get back, talking about my 3 week trip of repelling, horseback riding, surfing, sightseeing, foreign mall shopping, sailfish fishing, snorkeling, skin diving, waterfall trekking, and other fun activities. And you'll all feel as if your summers were crap. Sorry, that's just how it is. Oh, I'll try to update every day before then, even get up a few hours early (even though everyone else will be up at like, 1:00 AM to get to the Airport 3 hours early) to wish you goodbye. I'm also gonna have fun tomorrow night doing fireworks, using mainly bottlerockets strategically shoved into a paper towel tube, winding fuses together so I light one fuse, a dozen bottlerockets light at once, then just before they go off, they light another dozen. They launch, pulling the rest of the apparatus up, and explode, detaching from the tube. The second stage would be IN the tube, and their fuses would run down, triggering a third stage jutting out from the front of the tubewith a sparkler so I can see where it is, and going off, launching from the new position. Then, when they run out and explode, they take the tube, and the final round goes off, about 150 feet up, with probably some roman candle stuff going off in the middle of the process, and a final explosion with little bits and bobbles of firecrackers and various tiny fireworks. It'll be awesome, I'm my mom doesn't refuse due to the possible loss of eyebrows/her sanity/her sense of maternal protection.

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