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myOtaku.com: Adam k

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n3verforgiving (08/04/06)

hey watup? ur site is awsome and its really cool that u've been drawing so long. i love to draw too but i dont hav a scanner so >.< and everytime i try coloring it messes the picture up XD i wish i could draw nice but that may take som time anyway cool site!

somegirl (06/20/06)

Hey! Awesome site, really cool!
i love your colors! awsome lol

Hope you stop by some time and say hi or something lol

Well see ya around, later

Dans les rues de tokyo
La vitesse n�a pas boison de traduction
Rapides et dangereux~

oturan ikamuzu (12/18/05)

awesome site. come visit me anytime. i'll add ya on as well. talk to you later and keep up the great work.o_O

Kegome95 (11/20/05)

I like your choice of colours. It looks so deep and mystical.

Star Shot Spirit (10/10/05)

hey yeh, i likea the site, have fun with the story ting that you are a workin on( to tell ya the trutha i didnt read any)(sorry) but i likea the site and TTfN And Ta Ta for Now!!!

EdwardElricThe2nd (09/30/05)

Nihao! Como estas? n_n lol Nice sitez u gotz goinz here! w00t! I shall addu 2 me almighty list of forever gaining friendz! w00t! YAY! U R MY FRIEND NOW!!! YOU NEVER COME OFF MY LIST! n_n lol jk don't mean to sound obsessive. n_n' lol jk *sigh* yes...so drop by sometime...and please don't make fun of the hieght like most. n_n' lol YAY! Claps 4 u! n_n well drop by sometime! that'd be great! email me sometimez! ttfn! CULATER! n_n
Idiots do cool things.

That's why it's cool.
"They say that catching a mere rabbit takes every bit of a lions strength..."- Edward Elric

Da Fullmetal Cheerio King knowz bestiestz. do watz rite & don't do da drugz! o.o thanxiez! n_n

-ur friend 3dw4�d3lric7he2d♣♠ ♣♠

Animeking92 (09/20/05)

You pretty good . Whats with the Jak and Daxter ?

SpiderMoroi (09/19/05)

awesome art work! woo! i like the inuyasha with no lines and the Jak pictures, very awesome.

rock on

chokulatemilc (09/04/05)

Hey kewl site just thought I'd drop you a line..drop by anytime...guess I'll see ya around!

Sasaya (09/03/05)

hi there, great site, i love the colors! ^__^ it's very nice, keep it up

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