current time: 11:20 am
current music:once again....none. T___T
current thought: this one needs orange juice!!!
Hello darlings! Thank you so much for your comments yesterday, i am quite glad that i haven't been forgotten. ^_^
Well lets see, nothing really interesting happened yesterday either. XD Other than i drove to starbucks with my dad and younger sister. Interesting conversation we had. My dad just turned forty, and he was looking around starbucks... "I am the oldest one in here aren't I?" "Yeh dad... you pretty much are."
That and we talked about college. I still really think i want to do something in fashion design. I don't know. I don't want art to just be my expression, i want it to be my work, my life, you know? But everytime I start looking at college, i get really intimidated, and discouraged. so i stop looking. Which is bad because i need to be looking. I'm a quarter of the way finished with my junior year of highschool, and i have absolutely no direction.
I'll stop ranting about that...because thats not that interesting. Hm... Pretty sure the Crimson shall be coming home today, and i hope she does. I haven't talked to her all weekend, which in itself is rather depressing.
And Lemurturtle, yeh. I thought yoshiki did alo of nude photos. But then i looked at Hakuei. I've never seen so much...NEKKIDNESS!!! But i'm not complaining. X3
Well i've got school tomorrow. And hopefully i get my report card soon... i just can't really stand waiting much longer. Drives me crazy. I love you all!