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Maryland or Pennslyvania
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I fight crime beside my hero, Super Cow
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Becoming one of the best anime artists in my grade, making 95% of the Baskets (in Basketball) that I shoot, and somehow not converting to being popular (you'd sream if you saw the population of "them" in my grade)!!
Anime Fan Since
Well... I moved to the USA in the middle on kindergarten, then Pokemon started being the big thing, so I guess since kindergarten.....
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Naruto, Kamichama Karin, Tokyo Mew Mew, Pita Ten, Di Gi Charat, Aria, Yoki Koto Kiku, Yotsuba&!, Pokemon, FLCL, Chobits, and.... and.... crap.... I can't remember what else!
TO MOVE AWAY FROM PITTSBURGH!!!!!! Aslo to become an anime artist,and a professional Fluter ( haha funny name) or be in a rock band!!!
drawing, reading manga, writing unfinished stories, playing the flute 'n guitar,playing basket ball, and, of course, playing video games!!!
Basically the same as hobbies
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Interesting stuff!
Ok, the person who guesses how much money I made at the art show, gets a request from me! This offer ends by Saturday, so hurry, and get guessing!
The enormous praying mantus is 3inches long, not including the antenna, and my mom thinks it's dead, I THINK IT'S WAITING FOR IT TO STUF BEING SO WINDY! :) Welp, I'd say more, but I'm going to school soon, so TTYL! :)
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
*sniffle sniffle*
Ugh, God! I'm sick, and I feel like crap! My muscles are sore, my nose is running,I'm having gas that could kill the dead (I don't think you needed to know that) and my house feels so cold, that it seems like winter! You know what else? Thare is an enormus praying mantus on my window! How else could my day get any worse! So much for having perfect attendance this year! At least I have Kingdom Hearts, from Block Buster, so I can hold myself back a little bit.
MY MOM WILL NOT TURN ON THE HEATER! She thinks that we can survive until winter with our fire stove thingy. I think that's why I'm sick.
Man, I could really use something (like Blake) to punch right now!
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
BLOCK BUSTER (and my day plans)!!
I went to Block Buster a few days ago, in search of Harvest Moon:Another Wonderful Life, and they didn't have it, then I went in search for Soul Calibur 3, and I didn't even see the second or first one there! THEN, uh... then I gave up for a bit, but right when we were about to go in line, I decided to get one that I got last time I went there, which is Tales of Symphonia, which I got really stuck on, but I got it any way. After ten tries, I finally proceeded on, and now I'm even more stuck than before because I know what to do, but the little dudes keep killing me, and I'm sent back to a prison cell, and have to start over again. It really sux! After the second time I died, I gave up. I would have played The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, but I just thought of that idea, and I don't feel like going all the way up the stairs just to play it. Besides, I have better things to do like, murder Blake (a butt faced boy), murder Blake, hang Blake, kick Blake in the shin, bite Blake, eat a sandwitch, whack Blake witgh a hockey stick, push Blake down the drive way, sit on Blake (he THINKS I'm fat, so when I sit on him, he can't breathe), and murder Blake some more, that fat ugly little butt faced BOY! Heh, sorry, I got a little out of control there! :D HAVE A GREAT DAY!
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
I have a student teacher, name Ms.Bannogan (I think that's how you spell it) and she's leaving today! Well, accually, she's going to be here today, but not Monday!
I have tons, and tons, and tons, and tons of pictures that I've drawn in the past.... month I guess, and I've been too lazy to put them on the computer! My friend, Kelsey Welsey wanted to show a few of them to her friend, and they wanted copies of them so badly, that her Gandma had to take them to her work, and copy them! Now, I don't know how long it's gonna take to get them back, and I can't put up all of the pics, now!
Ok, I have just finished a poster for school yesterday, and it's about the book "The Demon in the Teahouse" (has any one read it?). It's a very good book, or at least I think it is. The story takes place in Edo, Japan (has any one been there?) and there are many, many fires. Well, accually, if I explianed it to you, and you want to read it, I'm not going to spoil it for you! But it has Judge Ooka in it (has any one heard of him?), a made-up character name Seikei, and a lot of Geishas! :)
Welp, I think that those are all of the news flashes for now..... oh yeah! I'm doing this artshow with my mom at Century High, and I'm selling guitar pic necklesses! Now I'm done!
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Friday, October 14, 2005
I have no exitement in my life!
I'll prove to you that I am becoming an old unexiting 6th grader! It has been raining on and off through this whole week, so I can't go outside and do something. There are drawings in my room that need to be colored, but I don't know what happend to all of my millions upon billions of colored pencils went! I a friend over to sleep over last weekend, but all she did all day (exept for dinner and dessert time) was play Animal Crossing on the Nintendo Game Cube! Ugh, I was so bored! Who here has had that same experience? In Social Studies, I recieved a C on a test, when I could point out 4 questions correct! I think it might be because one of the teachers is a student teacher (she goes to McDaniel College) and she might not be experienced enough. Well FACS isn't fun, either. All we're talking about is manners and self-esteem. Seriously, what does self-esteem have to do with Family And Consumer's Science? Well, if you read my conversation with Edward Elric fan and Kelsey Welsey, got check out Edward Elric fan's site, and there you go, that is some exipement in my boreing life! Okie? Bye!
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
I haven't put it up yet, but last night, I made a comic, and I think that it's pretty funny!!
Oh, and my friend, Julie (also from Sykesville) is a new user! Her user name is Sacarlet Aki, but I don't understand why she chose that name, though..... Julie dosn't make much sence to me what so ever, though....
Heh, I just got my first skate board three or four days ago, and surpisingly, I havn't broken, scraped, or bruised anything yet! I'm accually very good! The trick is to lean over a little bit, and kinda go low when you're using your foot to like "kick off" or make it go...
Welp, cya! I'll try to put up the comic soon!
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Friday, October 7, 2005
Wooo! I usually can't stand cheer leaders (no offense) but, in shool I've made a really great cheerleading friend! Usually, cheerleaders in my grade act really, really, REALLY stupid, and think that they're funny, when they're just annoying! Then, there's Stephanie (cheer leader friend) she's very funny, dosn't pretend to be the one and only, and she's kind, trustworthy, smart, taltented, athletic, (man, I could go on forever!) ect. Welp, I'm hungry, time for breakfast, bye!
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Hey, um I think some one some how got onto my user name last night, and changed my back ground pic! I rechanged it, though.... Inu should scare evil ugly spirits away.... heh heh heh! I don't understand wy anyone would do this, though! I mean like, I've only been mad at I think it's Hanyou Gary for like, totally INSULTING my art work, but I didn't do anything to him... hrm, niether Edward Elric fan nor Kelsey Welsey know my password, but even if they did, Kelsey Welsey dosn't know how to put up back ground pics, and Edward Elric fan is too kindly to do such a thing! Welp, if it happens again, I'm gonna go ballistic!:O But, until then I'll try to take care of other problems in school. :(
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Monday, October 3, 2005
I'M A GOOD GIRL, HONEST! I DIDN'T BEAT UP BLAKE LAST WEEK (*cough, *cough, yeah right *cough)!! Well, maybe I wacked him upside the face cuz he called me a pot sniffer, a coke addict, fat, and a rapeist. And all of you boys out there now that girls don't like being called fat, or else they might slap you! Oh, and this isn't the first time that Blake's been slapped! Edward Elric fan slapped him hard on the ear when he kept calling her mom fat, and Kelsey Welsey has thrown a walnut at his head.... wait, that's not slapping, but o-well! I could make a huge list of those who hate him, too! But I don't feel like it!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I know a gay guy named Nick! Yay! I'm random! SUGAR!! SMIRFOLOFOGUS IS OFF TO THE RESCUE!! WOOOOSH!! EEEEEE! ;D
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
I'm happy! Two of my closest friends signed my GB yesterday, and today! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! My friend, Kelsey Welsey has no GB signings that I know of, and my friend Edward Elric fan has a bunch of GB signings, and has a great gallery of e-cards, so go check it out! :D Well, this is random but, does anyone have any good avatar sites? Kelsey Welsey is kinda sorta new here (but has been a member for a while) and needs an avatar, so it would really help if you pmed it to me, or her! Thank you!!
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