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myOtaku.com: Addsapaz

Saturday, November 19, 2005

I'm am complaining once more!!
This time, I'm in pain!! Last Sunday my knee did something wierd, and it hurt, so I took off school Monday, and it stopped hurting. Last night I was at my first basketball pracitce, we were scrimaging and I am the only player in the 5ft range, so I had to go agianst a shorter, most complicated player on our team, and it was like three agianst one because Kelsey Welsey is new to this, and dosn't exactly understand how it goes, and the other girl was like, trying but not trying at the same time. So now my knee hurts agian.

This morning I woke up, and my throat hurt when I swallow! Apperently, this is usually the time of year I have strep (sp?) throat, so now I'm sucking on a cough drop, to hopefully stop the pain.

I'm sorry that I've been so 'complainy' latly. I just have nothing else to talk about. So um... yeah........

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